EPIC Integration Services

Unlock Efficiency, Precision, and Patient-Centered Care.

Some of our many
amazing clients


Focus On What Truly Matters: Patient Care

  • Deliver world-class healthcare with precision and unparalleled efficiency.
  • Simplify the complex process of integrating Epic into your healthcare ecosystem.
  • Enable better decision-making, ensuring that healthcare teams have the most current information at their fingertips.

Value Delivered By Our Integration Services

Cost Efficiency

Streamlined data exchange not only improves patient care but also reduces operational costs. You can save time, reduce errors, and enhance staff productivity.

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Improved Patient Care

By breaking down data silos and enabling easy sharing of critical information, our integration services contribute to better patient outcomes. You'll be able to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

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Clinical Decision-Making

Enhance clinical decision-making with real-time data access, boosting care outcomes and patient satisfaction while driving quality-of-care improvements.

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Real-Time Task Management

Deliver real-time reporting and analytics. Empower clinicians and staff to harness data-driven insights, enhancing clinical and administrative operations for heightened efficiency and excellence.

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Efficient Data Transfer

Conquer healthcare interoperability challenges using FHIR HL7 for seamless connectivity. Ensure data security and efficiency, benefiting healthcare providers.

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We Are Your Trusted Partners In Healthcare Interoperability

Custom Healthcare Integration For Epic Systems

We offer seamless EHR integration, medical device connectivity, custom telehealth software solutions, and interoperability for both on-premises and cloud-based medical software while ensuring the flawless migration of legacy systems.

Learn more

Custom Healthcare Integration For Epic Systems

We offer seamless EHR integration, medical device connectivity, custom telehealth software solutions, and interoperability for both on-premises and cloud-based medical software while ensuring the flawless migration of legacy systems.

Epic Integration for Practice Management Systems

Elevate your practice management by seamlessly combining Epic EMR with practice management software, optimizing revenue, streamlining appointments, and effortlessly integrating medical devices.

Learn more

Epic Integration for Practice Management Systems

Elevate your practice management by seamlessly combining Epic EMR with practice management software, optimizing revenue, streamlining appointments, and effortlessly integrating medical devices.

Epic Integration for Telehealth Platforms

Empower your healthcare ecosystem through Epic EMR integration with telehealth software, remote patient monitoring integration, interoperable healthcare billing solutions, and appointment scheduling management integration.

Learn more

Epic Integration for Telehealth Platforms

Empower your healthcare ecosystem through Epic EMR integration with telehealth software, remote patient monitoring integration, interoperable healthcare billing solutions, and appointment scheduling management integration.

The Emerging Healthcare
Companies Use Folio3’s AI

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

The Dow University of Health Sciences

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Hamzavi Dermatology

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Smart App Integration

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Triple Ring Technologies

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Maravai LifeSciences

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

TrueCare LLC

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Ecare Vault

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Achelois Pharma

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Face Reality

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

The Neuro Plan

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

St. Michael’s Hospital

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

The Dow University of Health Sciences

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Hamzavi Dermatology

No case studies found in this category.

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Ecare Vault

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Face Reality

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

St. Michael’s Hospital

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Smart App Integration

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Maravai LifeSciences

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Achelois Pharma

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Triple Ring Technologies

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

The Dow University of Health Sciences

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Hamzavi Dermatology

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

The Neuro Plan

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

St. Michael’s Hospital

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

TrueCare LLC

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Healthcare Development
Tech Stack

Diving into the behind-the-scenes magic, our Healthcare development tech stack is like a perfectly curated playlist blending Frontend, Backend, Mobile, Cloud, Database and Compliance for an electrifying user experience.


The Development Roadmap To Victory




Uncover hidden opportunities with our comprehensive discovery process.


User Persona Creation


Craft user personas to guide your product development journey and ensure you're building for real people.


Needs Identification


Uncover your users' true desires and craft a product roadmap that resonates with their needs.


Stakeholders Interviews


Align stakeholders and create a roadmap that drives product success.


Final Proposal


Unlock the future of your business with our comprehensive development roadmap and transformative final proposal.

Client Testimonials

Kudos to your team for outstanding work in the discovery phase! Your team understood our business and workflows by asking the right questions and extracting the most useful information. Your team's ownership and results-oriented approach are commendable.

Shaukat Zakaria

CEO at HealthQuest

I’d like to thank everyone for their extra work and making the first release possible before the actual date. I'm overjoyed to see the practical aspect of our application come to life today and hoping to build great products with Folio3.

Maker Athian

Founder at iVision

We've successfully completed the first MVP and I appreciate everyone's efforts especially for the identical parts of the apps and now we have a live product on AWS through your excellent work. Thank you !

Maker Athian

Founder at iVision

I appreciate your remarkable work during the  recent Laboratory service phase. Your determination, analytical thinking, and continuous efforts were crucial in overcoming challenges and achieving success. I appreciate your help as we collaborate to create fantastic items.

Maker Athian

Founder at iVision

Folio3 Digital Health Testimonial

Working with the folio3 team has been a great experience. Your dedication, creativity, and adaptability in overcoming challenges for the Moodology app project are truly commendable.

Azhar Ali

Director At AiGenics

Folio3 Digital Health Testimonial
Folio3 Digital Health Testimonial

Team Folio3 brought my dream app to reality, they explained every step to our non technical team professionally. wireframe and design processes were outstanding  & they built stunning and perfectly integrated application. I think both patients and clinic will be significantly benefited.

Elizabeth Miazga

MD FRCSC at Saint Michael's Medical Center

Folio3 Digital Health Testimonial

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Frequently Asked Questions

Integrated Epic EHR and EMR systems are record systems that store and manage patient records as well as other important information such as the treatment going on, any upcoming appointments, patient history, and even billing details in an organized fashion.

Epic allows you to integrate SMART on FHIR, and that too, within the EHR. SMART stands for Substitutable Medical Applications Reusable Technology, and integration with FHIR means it becomes a set of open specifications that can integrate applications with EHRs, Health IT systems, and portals.

Epic device integration means that the EHR can be integrated with any smart device that you own, for instance, your mobile phone. This way, you can add, and even edit details right from your smartphone. Epic medical device integration implies integration with one or more medical devices that are used to monitor the condition of patients, for instance, wearable medical devices like pacemakers and glucometers.

Epic is one of the largest providers of cloud-based electronic health record solutions. EMR/EHR Epic integration maximizes interoperability and offers the patients as well as doctors and other staff easy and quick access to patient records from wherever they may be.

Choosing the best Epic systems integration partners may sound like a task and a half. But all you need is for your requirements to be clear for you to be able to arrive at a list of options where you can make your choice. You need to know if you want to hire freelancers or if you want to work with an Epic integration company. Would you rather work with Epic-certified integration partners or is the certification, not a prerequisite? What is your budget like and what kind of customizations are you looking at if any? After you answer all of these questions, you can look up the best Epic integration vendors and shortlist the ones that meet your expectations.

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