Create AI-Enabled Healthcare Chatbots to Assist Users about Medical Symptoms

Our Valued Customers


Mitigate Patient Visit Risks
with AI Chatbots in Healthcare

Appointments Scheduler

Assist healthcare centers in managing patient appointments, allowing patients the freedom to schedule appointments with their preferred doctors and receiving reminders before their checkups.

Folio3 Digital Health News

Digitize Medical Information

Leave the paperwork in the past, where manual data compilation was a hassle. Allow medical chatbots to store all medical documentation and provide the necessary information to patients and doctors whenever requested.

Folio3 Digital Health News

Immediate Health Condition Status Updates

Keep patients informed about their health reports while also keeping their family members in the loop so that they are well-educated and engaged in understanding the necessary actions to take, thereby avoiding any probability of chronic conditions.

Folio3 Digital Health News

Follow Up and Medication Adherence

Create a solution that enhances medication adherence for patients. A medical chatbot will remind them to take medications when it is time and encourage them to follow up with a doctor if symptoms persist.

Folio3 Digital Health News

From Prescription Refills to Mental Health Support:
Benefits of Chatbots in Healthcare

Efficient Patient Self-Service

Enable them to schedule appointments, refill medications, and...

Efficient Patient Self-Service

Enable them to schedule appointments, refill medications, and order prescriptions. Help them receive second opinions on their diagnoses or treatment plans.

Provide Real-Time Assistance

Healthcare chatbots provide real-time assistance with...

Provide Real-Time Assistance

Healthcare chatbots provide real-time assistance with artificial intelligence (AI). Leverage AI to use the information already stored in its memory banks for better and more effective care.

Scalable Care

Go beyond location barriers to provide care to your patients...

Scalable Care

Go beyond location barriers to provide care to your patients. Chatbots in healthcare simplify patient management for doctors without increasing costs.

How Our AI Development Process Works

Our development services for AI healthcare chatbots for personalized care are built with advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques. Here’s a simplified overview:


Patient Data Collection


Collects patient data through various channels, such as voice notes, smart watches, and wearable devices.


Intelligent Analysis and Insights


Analyzes the collected data, identifies patterns, and generates insights; detecting potential health risks, and delivering relevant educational content.


Personalized Care Delivery


Deliver personalized care plans, including medication reminders, symptom monitoring, and lifestyle recommendations.


Integration with Healthcare Systems


Integrates with existing healthcare systems; allowing for secure data exchange, interoperability, and collaboration with healthcare providers.

AI Development
Tech Stack

We have state-of-the-art technologies to create AI solutions that effortlessly integrate with your existing infrastructure while staying ahead of industry trends.


Case Studies:
How We Helped

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

The Dow University of Health Sciences

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Hamzavi Dermatology

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Smart App Integration

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Triple Ring Technologies

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Maravai LifeSciences

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

TrueCare LLC

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Ecare Vault

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Achelois Pharma

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Face Reality

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

The Neuro Plan

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

St. Michael’s Hospital

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

The Dow University of Health Sciences

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Hamzavi Dermatology

No case studies found in this category.

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Ecare Vault

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Face Reality

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

St. Michael’s Hospital

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Smart App Integration

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Maravai LifeSciences

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Achelois Pharma

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Triple Ring Technologies

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

The Dow University of Health Sciences

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

Hamzavi Dermatology

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

The Neuro Plan

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

St. Michael’s Hospital

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study

TrueCare LLC

Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


Folio3 Digital Health Case Study


See What Our Clients
Have To Say

Kudos to your team for outstanding work in the discovery phase! Your team understood our business and workflows by asking the right questions and extracting the most useful information. Your team's ownership and results-oriented approach are commendable.

Shaukat Zakaria

CEO at HealthQuest

I’d like to thank everyone for their extra work and making the first release possible before the actual date. I'm overjoyed to see the practical aspect of our application come to life today and hoping to build great products with Folio3.

Maker Athian

Founder at iVision

We've successfully completed the first MVP and I appreciate everyone's efforts especially for the identical parts of the apps and now we have a live product on AWS through your excellent work. Thank you !

Maker Athian

Founder at iVision

I appreciate your remarkable work during the  recent Laboratory service phase. Your determination, analytical thinking, and continuous efforts were crucial in overcoming challenges and achieving success. I appreciate your help as we collaborate to create fantastic items.

Maker Athian

Founder at iVision

Folio3 Digital Health Testimonial

Working with the folio3 team has been a great experience. Your dedication, creativity, and adaptability in overcoming challenges for the Moodology app project are truly commendable.

Azhar Ali

Director At AiGenics

Folio3 Digital Health Testimonial
Folio3 Digital Health Testimonial

Team Folio3 brought my dream app to reality, they explained every step to our non technical team professionally. wireframe and design processes were outstanding  & they built stunning and perfectly integrated application. I think both patients and clinic will be significantly benefited.

Elizabeth Miazga

MD FRCSC at Saint Michael's Medical Center

Folio3 Digital Health Testimonial

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