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Patient and Referral Data Platform for Healthcare Providers

HealthQuest Infusion & Specialty manages acute and chronic health conditions alternative to long-term inpatient hospital stays. A middleware dashboard was designed to connect Healthquest with multiple EHRs of infusion centers, pharmacies, and home care providers for referral management, automating workflows, and connected care.

Problem Identification

Due to legacy healthcare systems, HealthQuest faced significant challenges in referral management due to lengthy manual processes hindering automation and delays in transfusion therapy. These limitations disrupt data entry in EHR resulting in delays in scalability benefits, referrals, and claims processing.

The Challenge: Streamlining Operations and Referral Management

Streamlining Referral Management

  • Manual Process Overhead Manual processes limit automation and real-time data processing, hindering the benefits of cloud scalability.
  • Legacy System Incompatibility Legacy healthcare systems couldn’t keep up with new cloud systems, creating data silos and slowing down referral processing systems.
  • Fragmented Referral Management The lengthy referral data entry into the EHR system (CareTend) added confusion and inefficiency to HealthQuest’s workflow.
  • Lack of Centralized Reporting A centralized reporting system with graphical dashboards of business performance data was missing and created challenges in monitoring operational metrics, hindering data-driven decision-making.
  • Inadequate Performance Analysis HealthQuest was looking for a Key Performance Indicator analyzer system and time spent on each case to understand their impact on business growth and performance.

Our Solution: Making Healthcare Workflow Efficient

We developed cloud infrastructure for the HealthQuest project designed specifically to address these cloud technology challenges and the pain points experienced by the HealthQuest team.
  • Cloud Connectivity Our middleware dashboard seamlessly connects with referral portals and the EHR system concurrently, utilizing cloud-native APIs for fetching and pushing data in real-time.
  • Real-time Alerts The solution incorporates a live cloud-based alert mechanism, ensuring real-time updates for the team whenever a case is received through the referral portal.
  • Collaboration in the CloudAll users, engage with cases within a unified, web-based cloud platform enabling timely collaboration and ensuring updates are accessible to all stakeholders in real-time.
We can develop custom software solutions to streamline your healthcare operations. Contact us today!

Tech Stack: Building a Strong Foundation

HealthQuest utilizes a comprehensive technological framework to ensure a seamless user experience. NextJS drives the web interface, while APIs built in .NET and C# facilitate smooth communication between different components. MS SQL Server Database manages data, ensuring reliability and scalability, while Redis Cache, including Amazon ElastiCache Redis, optimizes performance by storing frequently accessed data. Python, specifically leveraging Tesseract for OCR-Service, enhances functionality for optical character recognition tasks. Within the AWS infrastructure, services such as Amazon EC2 host virtual servers, Amazon RDS manages databases, Amazon CloudWatch monitors and logs cloud resources for comprehensive transparency, and Amazon Secrets Manager securely stores and accesses sensitive information, ensuring robustness and scalability while maintaining efficiency throughout the system.

The Outcome: Measurable Improvements in Healthcare Delivery

HealthQuest's investment in our solution yielded significant results:

  • Increased Productivity Automation eliminated tedious manual tasks, freeing up valuable time for healthcare professionals.
  • Enhanced Case Management Real-time tracking and collaboration improved overall case management efficiency.
  • Optimized Staffing Data-driven insights on team performance enabled better resource allocation.
  • Improved Decision-Making Access to historical and current data empowered effective future planning.
Partner with Digital Health Folio3 to invest in a healthier future. Let’s revolutionize healthcare delivery together.

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