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What Is HL7 ADT? A Complete Guide to HL7 ADT for 2024

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    Posted in HL7

    Last Updated | March 8, 2024

    A Complete Guide To HL7 ADT

    Before understanding HL7 ADT, we must first understand what is HL7 in healthcare? HL7 (Health Level Seven) is an international standard for exchanging health information between healthcare systems. 

    It enables different healthcare applications and systems to communicate with each other, ensuring seamless data transfer. 

    hl7 adt message

    In this guide, we will focus on HL7 ADT (Admission, Discharge, and Transfer) messages. These messages are used in the admission, discharge, and transfer processes of patients within a healthcare facility.

    What Is HL7 ADT?

    HL7 ADT, short for Health Level Seven Admission Discharge Transfer, is a type of messaging protocol used in healthcare to communicate patient information. It’s like a language that healthcare systems use to speak to each other.

    The “ADT” part refers to the most common patient-related activities: Admissions, Discharges, and Transfers. 

    These activities are crucial moments in a patient’s healthcare journey, and the HL7 ADT messages ensure that all relevant parties (like doctors, nurses, laboratory staff, billing departments, etc.) are kept informed about these events in real-time.

    The core functionality of ADT message HL7 revolves around two key areas: patient demographics and visit information.

    • Patient Demographics include name, birth date, gender, address, and other identifiers. It is crucial for patient identification and safety.
    • Visit Information contains details about a patient’s facility interactions. Admission time, department, attending physician, transfer, or discharge details are part of it.

    In addition to these, ADT messages also provide updates on a patient’s status. For example, if a patient moves from the emergency room to a hospital bed, an ADT message will be sent to update the patient’s status. If a patient is discharged, another ADT message will be sent out.

    Sample ADT Message

    HL7 ADT messages are structured in a specific way to ensure clear communication of patient data. Let’s take a closer look at a basic example of an HL7 messages ADT, highlighting different segments for better understanding. 

    A typical HL7 messages example might look something like this:



    PID|||123456^^^MYHOSP^MR||DOE^JOHN^||19800101|M|||123 MAIN ST^^TOWN^STATE^POSTALCODE^COUNTRY^HOME||5555555555||ENG|M|SSN12345678|||||BPV1||I|ICU^01^01^^^MYHOSP||||12345^DOCTOR^BOB^|||SUR||||1|||12345^DOCTOR^BOB^|I||1234567|||||||||||||||||||||||||||202402251530

    By breaking down the HL7 ADT message example, we can see how each piece of information is communicated clearly and systematically. It ensures that patient data is accurately conveyed across healthcare systems.

    HL7 ADT Message Structure

    HL7 ADT messages are designed with a specific structure to ensure clear and accurate communication of patient data. This structure comprises segments, fields, and data types, each playing a crucial role in conveying information.

    Segments in HL7 ADT

    An HL7 ADT message is composed of several segments. Each segment is displayed on a different line of text and contains a particular category of information. Key segments in an ADT message include:

    • MSH (Message Header): Identifies the type of message, sending and receiving applications, and other details about the message.
    • EVN (Event Type): Contains information about the event that triggered the message.
    • PID (Patient Identification): Provides demographic information about the patient.
    • PV1 (Patient Visit): Contains information about the patient’s visit, including location within the facility and the attending physician.

    Segments in an HL7 ADT message begin with a three-character label, like MSH or PID, making it easy to identify the type of information contained in each segment.

    Fields and Data Types

    Within each segment, the information is further divided into fields. For instance, in the PID segment, different fields might contain the patient’s name, birth date, gender, and address. These fields are separated by a delimiter, typically a vertical bar “|.”

    Each field in an ADT HL7 message has a specific data type. These data types define the kind of information the field can contain and its format. For example, a date field would have a date data type, while a patient’s name field would have a string data type.

    In essence, the structure of an HL7 ADT message is both systematic and flexible, allowing for clear communication of a wide range of patient data. By understanding the HL7 ADT message segments, the HL7 ADT message format, and the HL7 ADT segments list, healthcare professionals can effectively interpret and use the information.

    HL7 ADT Message Types

    HL7 ADT Message Types

    There are different HL7 ADT message types to categorize into different types. Each represents a specific event in a patient’s healthcare journey. Here are some common ADT HL7 message types and their descriptions:

    • A01 – Admit/Visit Notification: This type of message is sent when a patient is admitted to the facility. It includes key data points like patient demographics, admission date, and assigned ward or department.
    • A02 – Transfer a Patient: An A02 message is generated when a patient is transferred from one location to another within the facility. It contains details of the patient’s new location and the transfer time.
    • A03 – Discharge/End Visit: This message is sent when a patient is discharged from the facility. It includes the discharge date and time, along with any final diagnoses.
    • A04 – Register a Patient: An A04 message is used when a patient is registered at the facility but not admitted. It includes patient demographics and registration details.
    • A08 – Update Patient Information: This type of message is sent when there’s a change in the patient’s demographic information. It contains updated information, like a new address or contact number.

    Each ADT message type serves a unique purpose and contains specific data points relevant to the event it represents. Understanding these types can help healthcare professionals effectively manage patient information and coordinate care.

    HL7 ADT Event Types

    In HL7 ADT events, a real-world event initiates communication, and a message is sent. These events are instrumental in driving message flow, as they determine when and where messages go based on the type of event that has occurred.

    In the context of HL7 Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) messages, these trigger events correlate to specific patient activities within a healthcare setting. Each trigger event corresponds to a specific ADT message type.

    Working With ADT Messages

    Working with HL7 ADT events, different scenarios involve sending, receiving, and parsing these messages. Here’s a brief guide on how to handle these tasks:

    Sending and Receiving ADT Messages

    To send an ADT message, you must first construct the message according to the HL7 ADT message structure. It includes creating the necessary segments (like MSH, PID, and PV1), fields, and data types.

    When you receive an ADT HL7 message, you’ll need to parse it to extract the relevant information. It involves splitting the message into individual segments and fields and then interpreting each field based on its data type.

    Parsing ADT Messages

    Parsing an ADT message can be quite complex due to the hierarchical and nested structure of HL7 messages. However, there are libraries and frameworks available that can simplify this task.

    For example, if you’re working with Java, you might use the HAPI (HL7 Application Programming Interface) library. This library provides methods for parsing HL7 messages, making it easier to extract the information you need.

    If you’re using .NET, NHapi is a popular choice. Like HAPI, NHapi provides methods for parsing HL7 messages and working with their individual components.

    Using Libraries and Frameworks

    When choosing a library or framework for working with HL7 ADT messages, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your project. Some factors to consider are 

    • Programming languages you’re using.
    • Complexity of the messages you’re working with.
    • Performance requirements of your application.

    Working with HL7 ADT messages can be a complex task, but with the right tools and understanding of the HL7 integration guide, it becomes manageable. 

    By mastering these HL7 ADT transactions and understanding the ADT feed HL7, healthcare professionals can effectively manage and coordinate patient care.

    Other HL7 Message Types

    In addition to HL7 ADT (Admission, Discharge, Transfer) messages, there are several other types of HL7 messages that are used in the healthcare industry. Implementation of HL7 integration allows a hospital to utilize it for different events. 

    Each serves a unique purpose and contains specific information related to patient care, financial transactions, and more.

    HL7 ORM (Order Entry)

    HL7 ORM (Order Entry) messages communicate various medical orders, including requests for laboratory tests, radiology procedures, pharmacy supplies, dietary requirements, and other services. These messages help streamline the process of ordering and delivering healthcare services.

    HL7 ORU (Observation Result)

    HL7 ORU Messages (Observation Result Messages) carry patient data, such as laboratory results, radiology reports, and other diagnostic findings. This type of message is crucial for communicating patient health information exchange between healthcare providers.

    HL7 MDM (Medical Document Management)

    HL7 MDM (Medical Document Management) messages manage patient documents differently from ADT messages. While ADT messages handle patient admissions, discharges, and transfers, MDM messages deal with information related to patient documents, such as notes, reports, and summaries.

    HL7 DFT (Detailed Financial Transactions)

    HL7 DFT (Detailed Financial Transactions) messages exchange financial information related to patient care. This includes billing details, payment information, and insurance data.

    HL7 BAR (Billing Account Record)

    HL7 BAR (Billing Account Record) messages relate to ADT messages by providing billing information associated with patient admission, discharge, and transfer events.

    HL7 SIU (Scheduling Information Unsolicited)

    HL7 SIU (Scheduling Information Unsolicited) messages manage appointments differently from ADT messages. While ADT messages handle patient admissions, discharges, and transfers, SIU messages deal with scheduling patient appointments.

    HL7 RDS (Pharmacy/Treatment Dispense)

    HL7 RDS (Pharmacy/treatment Dispense) messages convey information about medications dispensed to patients. This includes the medication name, dosage, timing, and other related details.

    HL7 RDE (Pharmacy/Treatment Encoded Order)

    HL7 RDE (Pharmacy/Treatment Encoded Order) messages relate to ADT messages by managing medication orders associated with patient care events.

    HL7 ACK (Acknowledgement Message)

    HL7 ACK (Acknowledgement Message) ensures the successful delivery of ADT messages by sending a confirmation response back to the sender. It helps maintain the integrity and reliability of HL7 communication.


    HL7 ORM and ADT messages greatly improve healthcare interoperability. They ensure the efficient and timely sharing of patient information across different systems. This includes the modern FHIR HL7 framework, which helps reduce errors from manual order entries. 

    As a result, patient safety and outcomes see significant improvements. HL7 ORM messages cover a wide range of medical orders–these range from laboratory tests to pharmacy requests. 

    Their flexibility meets the specific needs of healthcare facilities. Standardization across systems boosts interoperability. It allows for the seamless sharing and access of patient information, leading to more coordinated care.

    The shift from HL7 in contrary to FHIR marks a major advancement. FHIR provides a flexible, web-based approach to sharing healthcare information. This move toward modern technology makes data more accessible and easier to work with. 

    The goal is to enhance patient care outcomes and increase operational efficiency. Thankfully, FHIR HL7 interoperability in healthcare standardize the way for a future of more connected healthcare. 


    What Is the Difference Between HL7 and ADT?

    HL7 is a standard for healthcare data exchange, while ADT is a specific message type within HL7 for patient demographics and movement.

    What Protocol Does ADT Use?

    ADT messages HL7 typically use TCP/IP for communication between systems.

    What Is Included in ADT Data?

    HL7 ADT specification includes patient demographics, admission/discharge/transfer information, visit details, and current location within the healthcare facility.

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