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The Ultimate Guide to Epic Implementation

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    Posted in Epic

    Last Updated | August 28, 2024

    Effective implementation of strategies and technologies is crucial for success in today’s fast-paced business environment. “The Ultimate Guide to Epic Implementation” equips you with the tools and insights to navigate the complexities of executing large-scale projects. 

    The Ultimate Guide to EPIC Implementation

    This guide helps you transform ambitious ideas into tangible results by focusing on actionable steps and clear frameworks. Whether leading a team or managing a project, you’ll find valuable resources to work with EPIC integration services and drive meaningful organizational change.

    What is Epic Implementation?

    The adoption and integration process of Epic System Corporation’s EHR software is known as Epic implementation. The electronic health records (EHR) are integrated into a hospital’s infrastructure and include various steps before reaching the promised land. 

    The Epic EHR implementation process is a departure from paper-based records management to a centralized, digital platform for patient information management. An Epic implementation is more efficient, accessible, and innovative. Reading ahead, we cover all the essentials about Epic implementation so make sure you stick around to find out everything you need to know. 

    Importance of Epic Implementation in Healthcare

    Modernization in healthcare is essential to leverage the countless innovations and advances in the field. Thanks to steps such as an Epic implementation, medical treatment is going to places it has never been before. The importance of the Epic implementation process in healthcare boils down to these reasons:

    Better Patient Care 

    Doctors have real-time access to patient records, allowing them to better coordinate patient care and improve their decision-making. With readily available digital health records, fewer documentation errors are made, ensuring patient safety when treating them. 

    Patients get better-quality treatment because doctors can communicate with each other about them. A cohesive treatment regimen involving the right people and epic hospital implementation ensures patients’ best possible health outcome.

    Improved Overall Efficiency

    Routine task automation for repetitive and mundane tasks requires essential duties to be done automatically. Healthcare automation hospitals streamline their workflows while reducing administrative burden and data errors.

    Electronic documentation and management simplify essential administrative and financial tasks, e.g., data entry, updating patient records, generating patient bills, and processing claims. Each automated task contributes to operational efficiency and optimizes financial performance.

    Data-Driven Decision Making

    Healthcare data is a powerful tool for doctors and researchers to learn about their patients, diseases, and treatments and test new methods to determine their efficacy. Epic can generate essential insights in various ways, e.g., treatment quality improvement, better resource allocation, and population health management. 

    Data-driven decision-making hinges on key metrics used to measure performance. These metrics determine whether a healthcare effort is viable and effective. The findings allow doctors and researchers to determine whether their effort is working or not. 

    Regulatory Adherence 

    Healthcare organizations can use Epic to operate within the regulatory framework to ensure they meet government regulations. Regulatory compliance also helps a company qualify for financial incentives using the best security features to protect personal patient information. 

    Regulatory adherence is a pillar of successful healthcare organizations, allowing them to follow all legal rules and regulations. If something goes wrong, not adhering to regulations can cause more damage than an unfortunate situation. 

    Organizational Future-Proofing

    Modern healthcare organizations are businesses and need to be run like them. Integrating Epic with other healthcare systems facilitates effortless information flow between them, future-proofing the hospital in the process. The constantly evolving healthcare landscape requires room for growth. 

    Proactive preparation enables healthcare organizations to stay ahead of the curve and be ready for an unusual case or industry change. It is always better to be prepared for the unexpected than to struggle to find footing when something goes wrong. Healthcare organizations can use the Epic EHR for various functions, making it essential to have an effective Epic implementation strategy. 

    Key Strategies for Effective Epic Implementation

    So far, we’ve covered Epic and its benefits for healthcare organizations. This section and the next demonstrate how Epic implementation partners work from start to finish and provide the essentials. For starters, the primary strategies for Epic systems implementation include:

    Implementing a Gradual Strategy

    Like any new system, you want to phase the implementation instead of a complete overhaul, especially for larger organizations. Smaller implementations help IT teams find potential bottlenecks and handle them earlier on instead of when the entire system is overhauled. 

    Phased implementations allow users to learn the ropes of their new system gradually. An immediate replacement will cause delays because users will try to understand how the system works while attempting to treat patients, causing avoidable delays. An Epic implementation specialist can help navigate this better. 

    Ensuring Data Safety and Privacy

    An Epic implementation addresses essential data safety concerns that are a staple with healthcare data. It is important to look out for:

    • Access controls limit EHR access to authorized doctors and healthcare staff.
    • Using data encryption that protects patient data at rest, during and after transmission.
    • Conducting routine security audits to find and address security vulnerabilities 
    • Ensuring the hospital meets HIPAA and other essential regulatory protocols.

    Patient data contains personal health information that cannot be leaked at any cost. It makes people question a hospital’s operational integrity and casts doubt on its doctors’ abilities. One avoidable mishap can be disastrous for a hospital.

    Regular Monitoring and Adjustments

    Epic is renowned for its performance, but it is still software that follows a fixed set of instructions and may malfunction. To assess the effectiveness of their new systems, the hospital needs to have KPIs that they can track following an Epic implementation.

    Additionally, they need to gather user feedback to determine how to improve or update the Epic EHR system. Adapting to updates and changing demands ensures that the Epic implementation continues to benefit the hospital.

    Stuck with legacy healthcare systems?

    Step-by-Step Guide to Epic Implementation

    We’ve established what to account for when implementing an Epic EHR system. However, if you also want to have a share in the EHR market, projected to reach $33 billion by 2025, this section lists down and explains how to get your Epic implementation rolling:

    Step 1: Legacy Support and Epic Resources

    Legacy System Support

    A phased implementation runs the old (legacy system) and new Epic system together, phasing the new one over time, preventing workflow disruptions. This part is essential for a smooth and hassle-free implementation services epic. 

    Leveraging Epic Specialists

    Working with professional Epic specialists guarantees that all essential aspects of the implementation will go as planned. You do not want to invest all that time and effort into the Epic implementation and not have it done right. Epic specialists will walk you through the entire process, ensuring all essential bases are covered. 

    Post-Implementation Support

    The Epic EMR implementation isnt the end of the line; it is only the beginning. Due to unforeseen circumstances or Epic updates, the system will require updates and maintenance after the Epic implementation. Planning for ongoing Epic support and maintenance must be guaranteed after an Epic implementation. 

    Step 2: Transformation and Clinical Adoption Planning

    Identify the new processes an Epic implementation will add to workflows. You cannot implement a new system without knowing the benefits the investment will bring. A plan must be developed to tackle staff resistance and ease the adoption process because there will inevitably be some. Using a new system after working with an existing one can be frustrating, but the long-term benefits are worth the initial difficulty. 

    Step 3: Training Healthcare Staff and End Users

    Healthcare staff must be trained following an Epic implementation to guarantee all essential people know how to use it. They need comprehensive training programs with practical training modules for various roles.

    They must be given hands-on experience to ensure they learn the reigns before using the system in the real world. With practice, they become better and use continuous learning opportunities to ensure long-term proficiency. These trainings are pivotal and must be well-prepared if healthcare organizations want their Epic implementations to go as planned. 

    Step 4: Go-Live Strategy and Post-Go-Live Optimization

    The hospital should have a project plan that has a go-live timeline for when the new system is online. Each user must be listed and granted appropriate access to the EHR, and their responsibilities must be clearly defined. 

    There must be a data migration policy to transfer patient data from the old system to the new Epic EHR. It must be accurate, complete, and secure to ensure valuable data isn’t compromised or corrupted in transit. The system must be tested to find and resolve any issues, and a performance evaluation must be performed to assess the system’s performance and find room for improvement. 

    Best Practices for a Smooth Epic Implementation

    Now that we’ve helped you decide on an Epic implementation, the next step is prepping for the process. Healthcare organizations need to follow these best practices if they’re looking to streamline their Epic implementation with the best results:

    Engaging Stakeholders Throughout the Process

    The essential stakeholders to engage with include:

    • Clinicians. To understand their daily workflows, the system must help with their daily activities.
    • Hospital admin staff. To optimize operational and financial processes that keep the entire hospital running smoothly.
    • IT department. They will implement the Epic EHR, ensure its security, and fix anything that goes wrong.
    • The end users will be using the system daily, and their feedback allows healthcare organizations to gauge the success or failure of their Epic implementation.

    Proactive Planning and Risk Management

    A successful Epic implementation needs a comprehensive plan to complete the job correctly. The main components of this include:

    • Listing the potential risks to anticipate everything that could go wrong and prepare accordingly. 
    • Creating mitigation plans to address identified and unidentified risks with an Epic implementation. 
    • Building a clear and measurable project timeline with defined milestones and deadlines to give the Epic implementation structure. 
    • Ensuring the Epic implementation has sufficient resources, i.e., adequate staffing and budget needed for the implementation.

    Continuous Process Improvement

    An Epic implementation is a sign of improvement over an existing, presumably obsolete system. Similarly, the Epic system also requires improvements with new features and updates. It is essential to collect user feedback regularly to learn how the system works in the real world.

    Relevant adjustments must be made based on user feedback without compromising the workflows, all while tracking essential KPIs to measure system impact. Epic implementation doesn’t end once the system is live; it remains an ongoing continuous improvement and adjustment process to stay competent in the long term.

    Long-Term Success and Maintenance

    Monitoring and Evaluation of System Performance

    An Epic implementation will have varying results depending on the hospital and users. The best way to determine its effectiveness depends on essential metrics such as clinical efficiency, patient satisfaction scores, and hospital financial performance. 

    Using data insights from the Epic system and user feedback, data-driven decisions are made to find optimization opportunities. Based on these healthcare data insights, workflow adjustments are made. 

    Preparing for Future Updates and Upgrades

    Healthcare organizations can stay ahead of the curve by developing an upgrade strategy outlining essential steps to update the system to a newer version. The hospital must allocate a budget to invest in the necessary personnel, software, and hardware to make this work.

    Hospital staff must also be prepared for these updates to ensure they know important new functionalities. This could be in the form of updated online documentation or training sessions outlining the latest changes to the Epic EHR system. 

    Cost-Effective Strategies for Epic Implementation

    An Epic implementation doesn’t come cheap, but there are cost-effective ways to control spending to ensure hospitals get the best value for money. To approach the epic implementation cost topic, focus on essential features, combine existing infrastructure, and negotiate favorable deals with Epic. Ask them how much does Epic cost ? What features are they getting for that money? 

    In addition to the cost of Epic EHR implementation, here’s how to maximize the investment:

    Leveraging Cloud-Based Solutions

    Using cloud-based solutions avoids the hospital’s capital expenditure on new hardware and infrastructure. Cloud-based solutions are also scalable if usage rises without needing more hardware. More cloud space costs a fraction of what a physical storage expansion would. It isn’t like getting a new memory card for your camera.

    These expansions cost much money and require configuration, whereas cloud-based solutions do not. They are also available anywhere with a smart device and internet connection, which is excellent for telehealth as doctors can access essential patient documentation.

    Utilizing Open-Source Tools

    An Epic implementation can be complemented using open-source options (read: integrations). The benefits of using open-source tools include:

    • More cost savings thanks to fewer software licensing fees
    • Flexibility with customized tools that cater to specific needs 
    • Access to community support with online user communities 

    Combining an Epic community connect implementation with open-source software is a match made in heaven. It allows an already robust platform to add more value. 

    Outsourcing vs. In-House Management

    To answer the age-old debate, here’s what you get with both:

    • Outsourcing provides the expertise and resources at a higher cost.
    • In-house management gives greater control when requiring specialized staff and resources.

    Hospitals should consider working with an Epic implementation consultant to ensure they get the best advice. 

    Common Challenges in Epic Implementation

    Managing Change Resistance

    overcoming resistance to change is a significant hurdle in any large-scale system implementation. Healthcare professionals are often deeply involved in existing workflows and are apprehensive about new technology.

    The best way to manage change resistance includes the following:

    • Effective communication to clearly articulate the benefits of Epic and how it will improve patient care.
    • Involve stakeholders in getting input from essential people in the organization to address their concerns.
    • Provide comprehensive training: Equip staff with the knowledge and skills to use Epic effectively.
    • Provide ongoing support and resources to solve recurring problems.

    Data Migration Issues

    Transferring data from legacy systems to Epic is complex and error-prone. Since data quality and integrity are crucial for the system’s success, here are essential strategies to solve common data migration challenges:

    • Data cleansing to ensure data accuracy and completeness.
    • Data mapping to define how data will be transformed and mapped into Epic fields.
    • Testing the data migration process to identify and resolve issues.
    • Data validation to verify data accuracy and consistency after migration.

    Integration with Existing Systems

    Integrating Epic with other healthcare systems is essential for seamless patient care. However, Epic implementation mistakes and data exchange complexities can arise. The main strategies for successful Epic integration include the following:

    • Adhere to industry Interoperability standards to facilitate data exchange.
    • Interface development to create robust interfaces to effectively connect systems.
    • Rigorously test integrations to ensure data accuracy and timely transfer.
    • Continuously monitor the Epic system and maintain all third-party integrations.

    Epic Implementation Cost Analysis

    Factors Influencing the Cost of Epic Implementation

    Epic implementation costs can vary significantly based on the following factors:

    • Organization size since larger healthcare organizations incur higher costs due to increased complexity and user volume.
    • The Scope of implementation, i.e., modules selected, customization requirements, and integration with existing systems.
    • Regional variations in labor costs and economic conditions can influence pricing.
    • The chosen Implementation methodology affects the timeline and resource allocation.
    • Using external consultants, i.e., Hiring external experts for specific areas, raises costs but expedites the process.

    How to Budget for Epic Implementation

    Effectively budgeting for Epic implementation includes:

    • Conducting comprehensive needs assessments to Identify the specific modules and functionalities required.
    • Develop a detailed project plan that outlines the implementation timeline, resources, and projected milestones.
    • Estimate software licensing costs to determine the cost of Epic software based on the users and selected modules.
    • Evaluating the need for network upgrades, additional hardware, and storage.
    • Factor in personnel costs, i.e., salaries for internal staff involved in the implementation, training, and support.
    • Account for external consultant fees to determine the need for external expertise and budget accordingly.
    • Allocate funds for training to budget for staff training and development programs.
    • Factor in system updates, maintenance, and technical support costs.
    • Allocating a percentage of the budget for unexpected expenses.

    Work With Folio3 Digital Health On Your Epic Implementation

    This article covers all the essentials of an Epic implementation, ensuring healthcare organizations get all the information they need. If you want to invest in Epic implementation, the Folio3 Digital Health team is here to help.

    Our team of experienced developers, designers, and marketers will help from ideation to deployment and with post-deployment support. Every Folio3 Digital Health product is HIPAA-certified and uses the latest HL7 and FHIR interoperability standards.

    The Ultimate Guide to Epic Implementation


    Implementing strategies effectively can make or break an organization’s success. By following the insights and methodologies outlined in “The Ultimate Guide to Epic Implementation,” you position yourself and your team to tackle challenges head-on and achieve your objectives. Embrace the principles of planning, communication, and adaptability to ensure your projects launch successfully and deliver lasting impact.

    As you move forward, remember that continuous improvement is critical. Regularly assess your implementation processes, gather feedback, and adjust your strategies. You can turn your vision into reality and drive your organization with the right approach.

    About the Author

    Ahmed Sufyan Samee

    Ahmed Sufyan Samee is a seasoned digital marketer with 3+ years of experience. Specializing in SEO, he excels in optimizing online content and managing display campaigns. His expertise extends to YouTube SEO, enhancing brand visibility and engagement. Ahmed is known for his strategic approach, leveraging PPC and SEO to drive measurable results. Committed to staying ahead in the dynamic digital landscape.