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How Does HL7 ORM Message Communicate Between Medical Platforms?

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    Posted in HL7

    Last Updated | February 29, 2024

    HL7 ORM Message: An Ever-lasting Knowledge Guide

    The realm of medical communication boasts a key player, the  “HL7 ORM message” or “ORM HL7 message.” This integral component has etched its significance deep into the healthcare sector, serving as the critical bridge between diverse health systems.

    When we talk about what is HL7 in healthcare, HL7 messages are one of the most vital aspects to consider. The HL7 message is not just a tool; it’s the lifeblood of interoperability in healthcare. This messaging standard facilitates the flow of vital patient data across different platforms. It acts as a universal translator, converting complex medical information into a universally understandable format.

    hl7 orm message

    The “ORM message HL7” is indispensable when it comes to patient care. It facilitates timely and accurate orders for various medical procedures, from lab tests to radiology reports. This efficiency does more than streamline operations; it enhances patient safety and elevates the quality of care.

    As we look toward the future, the HL7 messages will continue to play an increasingly pivotal role. It’s the key to unlocking seamless communication in an ever-evolving medical technology landscape. Its widespread use and importance underscore its value as an irreplaceable tool in the pursuit of effective patient care.

    HL7 ORM Message: Covering the Term

    “HL7 ORM” is a phrase born from Health Level Seven International. “ORM” stands for Order Entry, a message type within the HL7 framework. As per the HL7 ORM message definition, an ORM message initiates the transfer of order information. It includes placing new orders, canceling existing ones, and more.

    When it comes to “HL7 ORM message types,” the most common is the ORM-001. This general order message transmits order information. Despite only one type of ORM message, its influence on healthcare communication is significant, facilitating seamless order information flow.

    What Does the HL7 ORM Message Do?

    The HL7 ORM message is a part of this system. It’s a data exchange format that initiates the transfer of order-related information. It includes actions like placing new orders or canceling existing ones.

    In simpler terms, think of the HL7 ORM message as a request for services or materials within the healthcare realm. It’s a common message type with essential details about an order, acting as a communication link between various healthcare providers. 

    So, whether it’s a laboratory or radiology department, these messages enable efficient order processing, contributing to better patient care and outcomes.

    What Are the Types of ORM Messages (orm^001)?

    The ORM or Order Entry message in HL7 is a universal format used in healthcare systems for sharing order-related information. When we discuss the HL7 ORM message format, we’re referring to this structured language that enables communication between different health services.

    There’s a single type of ORM message, often referred to as ORM^001 or ORM-O01. This HL7 ORM message 001 is responsible for initiating the transmission of details about an order. It includes actions like placing new orders, canceling existing ones, and more.

    In terms of the HL7 ORM message structure, it consists of one or more segments, each displayed on a different line of text. This structure allows for clear and efficient transfer of information within the healthcare system.

    An ORM^001 message plays a crucial role in healthcare communication. It provides an efficient and standardized method for sharing vital order-related data, contributing significantly to operational efficiency and improved patient care.

    HL7 ORM Message Standards

    HL7 ORM Message Standards

    The HL7 ORM specification refers to the standards set for ORM messages in healthcare data communication. These standards exist in various versions, with the most common being 2.x and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources).

    Version 2.x is widely used and carries order-related information like placing new orders or canceling existing ones. It’s structured into HL7 ORM message segments, each holding different data types. For instance, an ORM^O01 message in version 2.x might include patient identification, order control, and observation request segments.

    On the other hand, FHIR is a newer standard. It uses modern web technologies to create a more flexible and efficient data exchange system. This makes it easier to implement and adapt to changing healthcare needs.

    HL7 ORM messages also contribute to achieving FHIR HL7 interoperability in healthcare. By standardizing the format and structure of data exchange, these messages help different healthcare systems communicate seamlessly with each other, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of care delivery.

    These standards are crucial because they ensure uniformity and compatibility in health data exchange. They allow different healthcare systems to communicate effectively, improving patient care and operational efficiency.

    HL7 ORM Message Segments

    HL7 ORM message segments are fundamental building blocks of the HL7 messaging standard. Each segment carries a specific type of data.

    Think of segments like lines in a text file. Each line or segment holds different kinds of information, such as patient identification, order control, and observation requests. These segments collectively form the complete message, facilitating comprehensive and efficient data exchange.

    Comparing HL7 vs FHIR, we see that HL7 2.x uses segments in a text-based format, and FHIR employs a more modern approach with web-based technologies. It allows FHIR to offer a more flexible and adaptable structure for data exchange.

    Segments in an HL7 ORM message play an essential role in ensuring effective and precise communication within healthcare systems. Whether it’s HL7 or FHIR, these standards use segments or their equivalent to structure data, enhancing interoperability in the healthcare sector.

    Special Functional Specifications

    HL7 ORM messages come with a unique set of features that make them invaluable in the healthcare sector. These special functional specifications allow for efficient and precise communication between different healthcare systems.

    One distinct feature is the versatility of the ORM HL7 message. It’s not just about placing new orders, but it also allows for the cancellation of existing orders, among other order-related actions. This makes it a comprehensive tool for managing all aspects of order entries in healthcare.

    Another notable specification of the HL7 ORM message is its structured format. The message is divided into several segments, each carrying a specific type of data. This structure ensures that every piece of information is clearly defined and easy to understand.

    In addition, the HL7 ORM message can be acknowledged in two ways: by an Order Response (ORR) message containing an order control value of OK or by an unsolicited ORM message. This dual acknowledgment system adds an extra layer of validation to the process.

    Hl7 integration solutions

    Example of HL7 Version 2.3 ORM^001 Message

    Understanding at least one of the HL7 messages examples is important, so here is an HL7 ORM message example, which is essential to comprehend how these messages work in real-world scenarios. Here’s an anonymized example of an ORM^O01 message in HL7 version 2.3:


    PID|||123456^^^Hospital^MR||Doe^John||19760101|M|||123 Main St^^Anytown^State^12345||5555555555|||S




    In this ORM message in HL7, the MSH segment is the message header, providing information about the message’s origin and purpose.

    • The PID segment holds patient identification details, including name, date of birth, gender, and address.
    • The PV1 segment provides information about where the patient will receive care, such as the hospital department.
    • The ORC segment includes order control information like the order status, order number, and order provider.
    • The OBR segment contains observation request details, including the requested test and its timing.

    What Are the Contents of an HL7 ORM Message?

    An ORM message in HL7 comprises several segments, each carrying specific data. Each segment in an HL7 ORM message plays a distinct role, carrying specific information that collectively forms a comprehensive order message.

    Below are some common segments in an HL7 ORM message, but the exact composition can vary depending on the specifics of the message being sent or received. Additionally, there may be optional or custom segments included in certain implementations. So, the total number of segments in an HL7 ORM message can vary. Let’s take a closer look at most common segments:




    The MSH or Message Header segment is the first segment of every HL7 message. It identifies the sending and receiving applications, the date/time of the message, the message type (in this case, ORM), and the HL7 version. This segment is crucial as it sets the context for the rest of the message.


     The PID or Patient Identification segment carries critical patient information, including the patient ID, name, date of birth, sex, and address. It forms the cornerstone for patient identification in the HL7 message.


    The PD1 or Patient Additional Demographic segment provides extra demographic data about the patient, such as the preferred language, living arrangement, and publicity code. This segment enriches the patient’s profile with additional relevant details.


    The PV1 or Patient Visit segment is related to patient visits. It contains key fields like admission type, assigned patient location, and attending doctor. This segment provides context about the patient’s current or most recent visit.


    The ORC or Common Order segment is central to the ORM message. It holds order-related information such as the order control code, order status, and the date/time of the transaction. This segment essentially outlines the specifics of the order.


      The Observation Request segment specifies the requested test. It includes fields like the test name, specimen source, and observation date/time. This segment is pivotal in detailing what tests or observations are being ordered for the patient.


    The DG1 or Diagnosis segment contains information about the patient’s diagnosis. It includes fields like the diagnosis code, diagnosis type, and diagnosis date. This segment provides valuable insights into the patient’s health condition.

    Common Uses for ORM

    The implementation of HL7 integration, especially the use of ORM messages, has revolutionized healthcare information exchange. Here are some real-life examples of how HL7 ORM is used in different healthcare settings.

    Laboratory Tests

    In clinical laboratories, ORM messages are used to place orders for tests. For example, when a doctor requests a blood test for a patient, an ORM message is sent from the hospital’s system to the lab’s system. This message contains all the necessary details about the patient and the requested test.

    Radiology Orders

    HL7 ORM messages also play a crucial role in radiology. When a physician orders an MRI or X-ray, an ORM message is transmitted to the radiology department. This message not only orders the procedure but also provides details about the patient and the purpose of the test.


    ORM messages can be used to request consultations from specialists. The sending application creates an ORM message containing the patient’s details and the reason for the consultation. This message is then sent to the specialist’s system.

    Bringing It All Together

    Standardizing message structure and content related to orders, HL7 enables accurate and swift sharing of crucial information among providers. This improves care quality, decision-making, and operational workflows in healthcare institutions. Accurate order info exchange minimizes errors, reduces administrative burdens, and enhances patient outcomes.

    Adopting HL7 ORM messaging in healthcare settings promotes interoperability and unified standards. This facilitates the seamless transfer of order information, leading to better collaboration and care coordination among providers. 

    So, it is crucial to continue exploring the capabilities of HL7 messaging to unlock its full potential in improving healthcare delivery. Let’s keep pushing for innovation and advancements in the world of healthcare information exchange.


    What Is the Difference Between ORM and ORU Messages?

    HL7 ORM vs ORU is simple and straightforward. ORM messages are used to place orders for tests or procedures, while HL7 ORU messages are used to send results for those orders back to the ordering system.

    What Is the Difference Between HL7 ADT and HL7 ORM?

    HL7 ADT messages are used to communicate patient demographics and visit information, while HL7 ORM messages are used to transmit order-related information.

    What Is the Main Purpose of HL7 ORM Message?

    The main purpose of an HL7 ORM message is to transmit detailed order information, such as tests or procedures, from one system to another within a healthcare setting.

    About the Author

    Afnan Ali

    Afnan Ali is a digital marketing professional with over 5 years of experience. Afnan's expertise lies in crafting comprehensive digital marketing strategies, with a strong foundation in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as the core. His experience spans various digital marketing channels, including PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising, email marketing, Account-Based Marketing (ABM), and social media marketing (SMM). This well-rounded skillset allows Afnan to develop and execute data-driven campaigns that achieve measurable results.