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Heart Rate Variability (HRV): Importance, Benefits, and Tools

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    Posted in Health Wearables

    Last Updated | September 4, 2024

    Heart Rate Variability (HRV)Introduction: Heart Rate Variability for Well-Being

    The health and well-being are imperative, especially when it comes to everyone’s hectic lifestyle. Measuring them through determining heart rate variability (HRV) is one of the ways. More health metrics grab attention like weight, blood pressure, number of steps, and sugar levels. This article will dig deep into one of the data points called heart rate variability (HRV), its importance, and how healthcare automation solutions can utilize this data to improve lifestyles. 

    What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)?

    The HRV (heart rate variability) between each heartbeat indicates a metric of time variation. This variation is possessed by an innate part of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system (ANS). It operates at the backend and aids in regulating the heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and digestion as the key tasks within one’s body. The ANS further trickles down to two major components — the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, also proclaimed as the fight or flight mechanism and the tranquility response. 

    Our brain, within the hypothalamus, is a continuous processor of information. The ANS transmits signals to the hypothalamus, instructing different body parts to either invigorate or calm down. For instance, it can pick up on your mood swings, from the frustration of a missed train to the pure joy of reuniting with an old friend or sense your stress levels after a long day at work to happiness when you finally achieve a long-held goal. However, if people are struck by persistent mood reducers such as loneliness, a lack of a support network, a recent breakup, or chronic pain, this balancing system may get distorted and the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems can transition into overdrive.

    Why is Heart Rate Variability Important for Health?

    Our body is a combination of systems and features that play an adaptive role in our daily activities. A good heart rate variability is critical for health and well-being because it indicates the body’s overall resilience. The healthy heart rate variability serves as proof that one’s body is adaptable to various changes, such people tend to be less stressed and emit a jovial nature.

    On the contrary, a low heart rate variability leads to chronic health issues, making the body less resilient to changing conditions. It resembles the common features of people having higher resting heart rates. Due to this, there is less time between each heartbeat, which amplifies the heartbeat. A similar state is found in people with conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart arrhythmia, asthma, anxiety, and depression.

    Understanding Heart Rate Variability Scores

    The heart rate variability (HRV) has become a go-to metric for the wearable device technology. It’s a desired marker of resilience and stress that becomes a guiding source for well-optimized health, body performance, and recovery.

    The variability between heart rates is what heart rate variability (HRV) indicates, basically the heart’s response against the incurred stimuli like stress and physical work. So what is good heart rate variability score? It depends on a variety of factors which also vary with age, gender, and other physiological factors.

    factors affecting heart rate variability

    What Do Heart Rate Variability Numbers Mean?

    The general unit of measurement for heart rate variability is milliseconds (ms). High heart rate variability is a healthy heart rate variability and indicates an adaptable nervous system, while low heart rate variability makes humans prone to stress, fatigue, or underlying health issues. 

    Ideal Heart Rate Variability Scores for Different Individuals

    Every human being is different, and so are their heart rate variability. The various factors influencing normal heart rate variability include:

    •  Age: Heart rate variability by age tends to decrease. 
    • Gender: Men, as compared to women, possess lower heart rate variability.
    • Fitness Level: The level of athleticism boasts higher heart rate variability due to their optimized nervous systems.

    Depending on their age, healthy people will score between 60 and 70, while elite endurance athletes may score between 90 and 100 or even higher. On the other hand, those in less good health will have values in the 40–55 range; anything below that suggests a low vagal activity level, which could be the reason for concern.

    What is a Good Heart Rate Variability Score Based on Gender & Age Bracket?

    The good heart rate variability (HRV) w.r.t. age and gender vary. Males in the age range of 20-50 usually possess a high heart rate variability than females, averaging around 38-75 RMSSD (ms) but the catch is that it somewhat evens out for both at the age bracket of 55-60. The heart rate variability chart by age and gender below collected from the Lancet/Fitbit study in 2020 shows how the trend shapes out. 

    Considering the heart rate variability chart female at 1800 h, the scores are greater than males after age 26. The scores for females at this time duration remain roughly above 40 RMSSD (ms) and then gradually decline as they age. 

    Remember, these are just ranges, and interpreting heart rate variability data requires considering individual health and fitness levels.

    A Visual Guide: Heart Rate Variability Chart by Age and Gender

    According to the Fitbit study, some of the average heart rate variability measurements with different age ranges for both males and females are:

    gender wise chart for heart rate variability

    For Men:

    • 25-26 years old: 61 ms
    • 30-31 years old: 56 ms
    • 35-36 years old: 49 ms
    • 40-41 years old: 43 ms
    • 45-46 years old: 37 ms
    • 50-51 years old: 34 ms
    • 55-56 years old: 32 ms
    • 60-61 years old: 31 ms

    For Women:

    • 25-26 years old: 57 ms
    • 30-31 years old: 53 ms
    • 35-36 years old: 47 ms
    • 40-41 years old: 42 ms
    • 45-46 years old: 37 ms
    • 50-51 years old: 34 ms
    • 55-56 years old: 33 ms
    • 60-61 years old: 31 ms

    How to Calculate Heart Rate Variability?

    The heart rate variability analysis can be done by two methods, and those are:

    • Time-Domain Analysis: A measurement of standard deviation between consecutive heartbeats is known as time-domain analysis. The greater the standard deviation the greater the heart rate variability and a resilient nervous system. 
    • Frequency-Domain Analysis: The process of analyzing the frequency components of heart rate variability data points, leading to a comprehensive picture of nervous system activity. 

    Heart Rate Variability Monitoring Tools & Devices

    Various tools can measure heart rate variability, each with its own set of accuracy and ease of use:

    • Electrocardiogram (ECG): One of the standards of heart rate variability measurement. The data provided by ECG are highly accurate, but their usage is more in clinical settings due to their complex operability.
    • Heart rate monitors: These heart rate monitors usually fall under the umbrella of wearable devices, specifically for hearts, chest straps (like the Polar H7 or H10) offer HRV data collection.
    • Wearable iOS, Android, and web apps: The heart rate variability app explores deep insights into a person’s health, stress, recovery, and nervous system balance, leading to personalized daily guidance and well-being performance. 

    Using Wearable Technology to Track Heart Rate Variability

    The increasing popularity of wearable technology brings immense potential for non-stop heart rate variability monitoring. Wearables (smart watches, smart patches, earrings, or finger rings) collect and store heart rate variability data continuously, providing an exhaustive picture of heart rate variability compared to spot measurements from ECG or heart rate monitors used in clinical practice. This continuous data buildup bolsters monitoring HRV trends and responses to lifestyle changes or interventions.

     wearable app development

    Interpreting Heart Rate Variability Data

    Interpreting heart rate variability data within a context can yield the most meaningful results. Factors like age, fitness level, medications, and even recent meals affect HRV logs. Medical software development plays an important part in providing personalized inferences and recommendations based on the individual’s unique health persona.

    How to Choose the Right Heart Rate Variability Monitor

    Keep the following things in mind while selecting an HRV monitor:

    • Accuracy: Wristwatches and smartphone apps are the least accurate, whereas chest strap HR monitors and ECGs are the most exact (accuracy might vary).
    • Easy to use: Take into account how cozy and intuitive the gadget is to use.
    • Features for data analysis: Does the gadget provide simple heart rate variability statistics or more sophisticated analysis?
    • Cost: While smartphone apps may be free or have a minimal subscription price, ECGs are usually the most expensive alternative.

    Factors Affecting Heart Rate Variability

    Heart rate variability is a dynamic metric influenced by a variety of factors, categorized here:

    Physiological Factors

    The factors like age, genes, and breathing conditions affect heart rate variability. 

    • Heart rate variability by age: The heart rate variability for both genders declines with age.
    • Genetic background: Some individuals are genetically predisposed to higher or lower HRV.
    • Breathing conditions: Lung conditions like asthma can affect heart rate variability.

    Lifestyle and Environmental Factors

    • Stress heart rate variability: Long-lasting stress causes a lower HRV. Studies have shown a clear correlation between between work stress and decreased HRV.
    • Sleeping heart rate variability: Dipping sleep quality can significantly be detrimental for HRV. Aiming for 7-8 hours of quality sleep is crucial to enhance heart rate variability during sleep.
    • Diet: A healthy fruit-rich diet, vegetables, and whole grains are correlated with higher HRV, while processed and synthetic foods and excessive sugars can lead to a low heart rate variability.
    • Alcohol and caffeine intake: Another reason for a low heart rate variability is the excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

    Impact of Medications on Heart Rate Variability

    The beta-blockers are types of medications that can affect HRV. Healthcare software designed to analyze HRV data should consider medication use to pinpoint an individual’s nervous system health.

    Improving Heart Rate Variability Vitals

    HRV vitals are not set in stone, improving them brings about a positive outcome in one’s lifestyle. Here are a few important strategies to significantly improve HRV and promote overall well-being:

    Lifestyle Changes to Improve HRV

    The lifestyle includes a key set of activities and tasks performed regularly. A balanced lifestyle routine includes exercises & workouts, the ability to manage stress, sleep cycle management, and nutritional habits. Let’s explore them in detail below:

    Exercise and Fitness Strategies

    Exercise helps the body adapt to stress and improves overall cardiovascular health, both of which contribute to higher HRV.


    • The recovery time: Giving sufficient rest to the body, rebuilding, and recovery after any physical activity plays a crucial role. Your body is like a system and overdoing things can harm HRV. 
    • Avoid overtraining: Overtraining causes chronic stress, impeding HRV improvement. Wearable app software can help personalize exercise programs based on HRV data. This type of wearable software monitors HRV response to various workout routines and recommends heart rate variability training, exercise intensity, duration, and recovery periods to optimize training and enhance heart rate variability.
    • Consider personalized training plans: Personalized training plans that deal with an individual’s HRV can help them achieve their fitness goals while optimizing their nervous system health. The software can analyze HRV data and suggest proper exercise programs tailored to the user’s fitness level and present HRV status.

    Stress Management Techniques

    Techniques like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can significantly improve HRV.

    • Mindfulness and meditation: Mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga help foster your presence to be in the moment, and promote tranquility, and calmness, leading to a declined stress and a positive impact on HRV. The availability of mindfulness and meditation apps is intense, HRV software integrated with these apps provides a detailed stress management solution.
    • Biofeedback training: Biofeedback training uses technology to provide real-time feedback on physiological responses, such as heart rate and respiration. Individuals can manage stress in real time by controlling these responses, maximizing the chances of achieving ideal heart rate variability. Biofeedback training can be a valuable tool for those struggling with chronic stress.

    Prioritizing Sleep for HRV

    In addition to being vital for maintaining both physical and mental health, sleep is also important for HRV. To maximize sleep for HRV, follow these tips:

    Sleep tracking & analysis: Health wearable software can be a useful tool for tracking normal heart rate variability during sleep patterns and analyzing them further for better recommendations. The identification and treatment of sleep disorders, such as insomnia or sleep apnea, can positively affect HRV by addressing these problems and improving overall sleep quality.

    Sleep hygiene: Having good sleep hygiene helps you get higher-quality sleep. Relaxing nighttime rituals and maintaining regular sleep schedules might be aided by software. This can include tools for creating sleep regimens with alerts, supplying informational materials on good sleep hygiene, and playing soothing music or noises to encourage falling asleep.

    sleeping variability chart

    Dietary and Supplementary Approaches

    A balanced diet is essential for optimal heart rate variability, but there are other factors to take into account as well:

    Track food consumption and HRV: Users can monitor the effects of their food intake on their HRV by tracking it with software. This can assist in determining food habits that might be impeding the enhancement of HRV. People can improve their HRV by making educated food decisions by recognizing these trends.

    Think about adaptogens: these are a group of fungi and herbs that are thought to aid in the body’s ability to adjust to stress. According to certain research, adaptogens like ashwagandha may be able to raise HRV.

    Heart Rate Variability and Overall Health

    Heart rate variability is not only used to gauge fitness level. It provides deep and valuable insights into various aspects of health and wellness. Let’s unearth more about how HRV is intertwined with different areas of health: 

    Relationship Between HRV and Cardiovascular Health

    Low heart rate variability is an indication of increased cardiovascular disease, arrhythmias, and stroke. The predictive data analytics in healthcare uses these data points to forecast the possibility of future heart stroke events. Heart rate variability monitoring enables individuals to take control of their health as they can identify potential health risks and implement necessary actions in their lifestyles to improve heart health apps. The aggregated data can be tracked and analyzed using healthcare apps and software, which gives healthcare providers a chance for early intervention, making heart disease preventable or at least delaying cardiovascular complications. 

    HRV and Mental Health

    Anxiety, depression, and stress are the indicators of a low HRV. Heart rate variability monitoring can be integrated with cognitive health management platforms for tracking mental health and reaching to best quality treatment outcomes. Heart rate variability monitoring enables mental health therapies and interventions, healthcare providers can determine the effectiveness of treatment plans for managing mental health conditions.

    heart rate variability wearable app development

    Monitoring Chronic Conditions with HRV

    When it comes to treating long-term illnesses like diabetes, heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), HRV data may offer valuable insights. Healthcare providers can collaborate with patients to optimize treatment plans by keeping an eye on HRV patterns. For example, HRV can be used to evaluate autonomic neuropathy, a condition that can impact heart rate variability, in the context of diabetes.

    Benefits of HRV for Health and Performance

    Continuous monitoring and enhancing heart rate variability can unlock a range of health and performance benefits:

    Enhancing Cardiovascular Health

    • Those who are at risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular problems can be identified with the aid of HRV monitoring.
    • Heart problems may be avoided or postponed with early intervention based on HRV data.
    • A healthy heart rate and better blood pressure regulation are linked to improved heart rate variability (HRV).

    Optimizing Athletic Performance

    • Athletes’ training regimens can be customized using HRV data to maximize performance and reduce the chance of overtraining.
    • Sportsmen can maximize their training regimens by tracking HRV recovery following workouts. They may make sure their bodies are getting enough sleep to allow for the best possible recuperation and adaptation.
    • Increased heart rate variability is linked to greater endurance and quicker recuperation periods.

    Improving Stress Heart Rate Variability Resilience

    • By teaching people how to regulate stress in real time, HRV biofeedback might enhance resilience and general well-being. By giving consumers access to real-time physiological reactions to stress data, biofeedback enables users to practice relaxation techniques and observe the instantaneous effect on their heart rate variability (HRV).
    • Based on HRV data, the software can offer customized stress management strategies. For instance, if the software detects a substantial decline in a user’s heart rate variability range during work hours, it can suggest stress-reduction methods designed especially for the workplace, such as deep breathing exercises or brief meditation breaks.

    Monitoring and Managing Chronic Conditions

    • HRV trends can provide important information about how well chronic disease treatment regimens work. Healthcare providers can collaborate with patients to modify drugs or treatment plans as necessary by keeping an eye on variations in HRV.
    • For instance, HRV monitoring can be used to detect autonomic neuropathy in people with type 2 diabetes, a condition that may impact heart rate variability and blood sugar regulation. Additional consequences from autonomic neuropathy can be avoided with early detection and treatment.

    Supporting Mental Health and Well-being

    • Monitoring HRV can be an effective way to keep tabs on how well mental health treatments are working and be applied as heart rate variability therapy. Mental health providers can monitor the HRV response to medicine or therapy to evaluate the efficacy of interventions and make necessary modifications.
    • Research has indicated that there is frequently a positive correlation between changes in HRV and lessening symptoms of anxiety and sadness.

    How does Folio3 Digital Health help develop and integrate wearable apps and monitoring devices?

    Folio3 Digital Health has decades of experience in designing, developing, deploying, and maintaining human health applications. Our software and apps are HIPAA-compliant and take the fuss out of data fragmentation via HL7 interoperability. We are passionate techies that breathe innovation. This approach enables us to think from your healthcare business intelligence & perspective, gather your relevant pain points, and create everlasting solutions.

    wearable device integration

    Final Thoughts on Heart Rate Variability Management

    The field of HRV is fast developing and has great promise to enhance health and well-being. A sneak peek of HRV’s future can be found here:

    • Advanced analytics: Software programs are always developing to give more sophisticated heart rate variability analysis, providing individualized insights and suggestions catered to specific needs.
    • Integration with wearables: As wearable technology gains traction, more advanced wearables that are made expressly for precise HRV monitoring will become available. This will make it possible to collect HRV data continuously, giving a more complete picture of the health of a person’s nervous system.
    • Clinical applications: HRV is becoming more and more popular as a possible tool for therapy monitoring, risk assessment, and personalized medicine in the clinical context.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is it Better for heart rate variability to be High or Low?

    Higher HRV values are often seen as superior. It suggests a more balanced and adaptive autonomic nerve system that can react to stress and recuperate swiftly.

    But it’s crucial to take into account individual factors:

    Age: As we age, our HRV naturally declines.

    Level of Fitness: Athletes usually have greater heart rates.

    What Causes Poor Heart Rate Variability?

    Several things might cause low HRV:

    • Chronic stress: Stress lowers heart rate by upsetting the homeostasis of the neurological system.
    • Lack of sleep: HRV is negatively impacted by sleep deprivation.
    • Unhealthy diet: HRV can be hampered by processed foods, too much sugar, and a lack of vital nutrients.
    • Absence of activity: Maintaining a healthy heart rate requires regular exercise.
    • Certain drugs: Heart rate variability range may be impacted by certain drugs.
    • Medical conditions: Lower HRV has been linked to long-term health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    How to Improve Heart Rate Variability Range?

    The following lifestyle modifications can raise HRV:

    • Handle stress: Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation are all excellent ways to raise HRV.
    • Make sleep a priority: Getting 7-8 hours of good sleep every night can improve heart rate variability.
    • Consume a balanced diet: Emphasize lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
    • Exercise frequently: Getting accustomed to at least moderate-intense workouts most days of the week.
    • Think about adaptogens (first see a medical professional): Further research is required, although certain herbs and fungi may have health benefits.
    • Water intake: Drink lots of water to stay hydrated throughout the day.

    Spot of Bother if the Heart Rate Variability is Low?

    A low HRV score may suggest a higher risk of future problems or be an indication of underlying health conditions. It’s not necessarily a reason to be concerned right away, though.

    When a low HRV could be problematic is as follows:

    • if you have additional heart disease or other chronic condition risk factors.
    • if you consistently suffer from symptoms like anxiety, exhaustion, or trouble falling asleep.
    • if, relative to your age and level of exercise, your HRV is noticeably lower.

    What is Good Heart Rate Variability?

    Determining a single good heart rate variability (HRV) score is challenging because a good HRV depends on a lot of factors. To help you visualize what a healthy heart rate variability would entail for you, consider this breakdown:

    Personal Factors Affecting HRV:

    • Age: As we age, our HRV naturally declines. The HRV of younger people is often higher than that of elderly folks.
    • Fitness Level: Because their neural systems are more flexible, athletes and frequent exercisers often have greater heart rates.

    About the Author

    sadaf wali