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What Is Telepharmacy And How To Setup Telepharmacy?

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Posted in Telemedicine

Last Updated | May 1, 2023

What is Telepharmacy?

If you are considering starting a telepharmacy program but are not sure how to? This blog post outlines all the basics like what is telepharmacy, how you can set it up, what benefits you can have from it, what practices it has, career building in the field, challenges you may face, and the potential advantages and disadvantages of working in telepharmacy. Basically, it will be a guide to telehealth implementation.

What is telepharmacy is becoming quite a common question these days. Telepharmacy is regarded as a method of providing pharmaceutical treatments and care via telecommunication to various individuals. In this manner, patients can receive their medications and other pharmaceutical care products in the convenience of their own homes. The ease to healthcare made how to develop a telemedicine app a trending topic in the industry.

Patient counselling, refill authorization for prescription medications, monitoring or formulary compliance via videoconferencing or teleconferencing, drug therapy monitoring, and prior authorization of prescribed medications are just a few of the services offered by healthcare software in telepharmacy.

How To Set Up Telepharmacy?

After understanding what is telepharmacy, you might be wondering what is required for telepharmacy? The following six steps will sketch a better image for you.

1. Regulations And Rule For Telepharmacy

Even though most states allow some type of telepharmacy, local regulations can differ greatly. For information on current laws, it is advisable to contact the state’s board of pharmacy and state pharmacy association. You should research the laws in each state if you plan to operate telepharmacies in more than one state or hope to provide telepharmacy services over state lines.

2. Telepharmacy Services

You should be aware of the kinds of telepharmacy services you are allowed to provide in your state once you have finished the study necessary to determine the laws that will oversee your telepharmacy program. It’s time to learn more about such services and to start formulating the steps your telepharmacy personnel will need to take in or over them safely and effectively. These are some common telepharmacy services:

  •       CMM
  •       MRP
  •       Verification of medicines
  •       Monitoring patients remotely, etc.

3. Examining Present Elements And Resources

To establish a telepharmacy system that supports the delivery of effective care services, you will need to be able to determine the elements and resources that are currently available within your organization. Once you have a clear grasp of the services you can provide, you’ll be in a better position to do this.

The followings are some elements and resources you should consider:

  •       License
  •       Training
  •       Personnel
  •       Office Space

4. Assessing Present IT infrastructure

IT infrastructure is essential to a successful telepharmacy system since it powers operations. To decide what kinds of IT solutions and systems you’ll have to implement, you need to assess the infrastructure that already exists within your company.

5. Build Or Buy Telepharmacy Software Solutions

Taking into account that we have only begun to scratch the surface of what is required for telepharmacy? It should be clear that setting up a telepharmacy program is no easy task.

An internal offering is viable and worthwhile if the analysis of the parts, resources, and IT infrastructure shows that the majority of the program’s building blocks are already in place.

You can now outsource the services to a third party that offers the finest Telemedicine App Cost if the evaluation shows that your organization lacks the majority of the components, resources, and most crucially, the time required to establish a solid telepharmacy system.

6. Understanding Telepharmacy Vendor Requirements

 If you decide to outsource your telepharmacy services from a Telemedicine Website Design Company, the following attributes should be considered while choosing a provider:

  •       Clinical pharmacists are all licensed and board-certified.
  •       Software is available to pharmacists to assist them in providing comprehensive pharmaceutical therapy management.
  •       You get thorough reports on the services you received.
  •       Flexible scheduling to accommodate your organization’s demands
  •       Flexible services to satisfy your needs and those of the patients
  •       You are informed of the vendor’s best practices for ensuring HIPAA security.
  •       The vendor prioritizes quality control and conducts routine audits of healthcare team performance and results.

The Benefits Of Telepharmacy In Improving Patient Health Care

The Benefits Of Telepharmacy

There are numerous telemedicine benefits; especially in telepharmacy for improving patient care.

·   Easy Access to healthcare services

The telemedicine benefits in outlying and rural locations are the biggest benefit of telepharmacy. It is acknowledged that regular access to prescription drugs and pharmacists are crucial components of providing patient-centered healthcare in outlying and rural areas.

·   Great Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is influenced by implementing telehealth in rural areas to provide medication and access to information. Without needing to go, this remote technology has allowed pharmacists to review patient prescriptions. As a result, patients are now more confident in the service and satisfied with it.

·   Efficient Patient Consulting

Patients are more satisfied with telepharmacy in terms of the advice from pharmacists and the turnaround time for prescriptions. Using webcam-integrated telepharmacy services is advised by pharmacists. Additionally, it allows patients to get a second opinion on their prescriptions or learn how to use their meds.

Starting A Career In Telepharmacy?

What is required for telepharmacy? A telepharmacy needs its business plan because it is an independent enterprise much like a traditional pharmacy. The acknowledged break-even figure appears to be between 30 and 45 scripts each day, though financial details vary.

The state board of pharmacy is typically the first stop when constructing a telepharmacy. About two-thirds of states have some type of telepharmacy regulation or law in place, but the requirements vary greatly, so it is crucial to start early conversations with your state board.

The fundamentals of telepharmacy are the same as for any pharmacy: finding a location, paying for staff, inventory, and licenses; DEA registration for controlled substances, etc. Most jurisdictions mandate a remote pharmacist for prescription assessment and consultation with patients anytime a telepharmacy is open.

What Are Different Types Of Telepharmacy Practices?

Here are four different types of practices of software solutions for telepharmacy:

·   Remote Counseling

Remote counselling offers options for specialty counselling (diabetics/HIV/AIDS), discharge counseling, and various clinical interactions with pharmacists in addition to being advantageous to retail independents, community, clinic, and hospital-based pharmacies. 

·   Remote Dispensing

A retail community telepharmacy, also known as a remote dispensing site, is a physical pharmacy with a license that is staffed by a licensed pharmacy technician. By spreading the expense of a pharmacist across several locations, remote dispensing enables healthcare organizations to operate retail telepharmacy locations in places where a traditional pharmacy would not be practical.

·   Remote Order-Entry Review

Inpatient telepharmacy is the practice of a pharmacist entering orders for inpatient pharmacies at a hospital from a distance. Inpatient telepharmacy helps healthcare facilities because it enables real-time review and verification of prescription orders where it functions as an extension of the on-site pharmacy.

·   IV Admixture Verification

By integrating telepharmacy into the IV-admixture process, hospital pharmacies can save both time and money. A pharmacist can avoid having to get dressed and go into the cleanroom to examine the IV admixture by doing it remotely.

What Is Telepharmacy – Challenges Of Providing Effective Remote Pharmacy Services

The following three are the most significant challenges that software solutions for telepharmacy now face.

·   Regulation and legal issues

Insofar as they are not adequately documented in the present literature, the legal and regulatory ramifications of providing inpatient clinical pharmacy services remotely remain relatively unexplored, which may deter their provision.

·   Administrative

Establishing remote inpatient clinical pharmacy services presents administrative problems for pharmacy administrators. By implementing remote services, hospitals that have limited onsite resources can improve the pharmacy’s role and therapeutic interventions to a level comparable to that of larger health systems.

·   Equipment And Technology

An unfinished or absent EHR system is the first piece of technology and equipment that prevents present infrastructures from working properly. Certain local pharmacists are required to supplement the data delivered to remote staff which restricts a remote inpatient clinical pharmacy service provision.

What Are The Potential Drawbacks And Advantages Of Telepharmacy In Healthcare

The following table explains the potential and drawbacks of telepharmacy.

Advantages Drawbacks
It has significantly increased access to healthcare. The requirement for using telepharmacy services, broadband access, is still unavailable to millions of individuals.
The telepharmacy software prices are an upfront expenditure that lowers overall operating expenses. Pharmacists do not currently have federal provider status.
It has significantly improved services and patient satisfaction. Regulations governing the telehealth services that pharmacists may provide differ from state to state.
Numerous advantages for all stakeholders in telehealth implementation involved, including patients, pharmacists, providers, and payers  


The COVID-19 pandemic has given us the chance to understand what is telepharmacy software and how beneficial it can be, which has made it easier for patients to access healthcare without having to leave their homes.

FAQs: What is Telepharmacy

What states allow telepharmacy?

According to the research on 50 states, 23 of them specifically authorize telepharmacy. Another 11 states have pilot projects or waivers that would permit telepharmacy, while 16 states do not have any laws or regulations that permit it.

What are telepharmacy features?

With the help of teleconferencing or videoconferencing, telepharmacy services such the prior authorization, patient counseling, refill authorization for prescription medications, drug therapy monitoring, and formulary compliance monitoring are all provided.

How does Telepharmacy work?

Telepharmacy functions similarly to a conventional pharmacy, with the exception that the pharmacist examines prescriptions and offers patient advice from a distance.

About the Author

Noc Folio3

Gather Patient Vitals and Clinical Data Real Time

Folio3 integrates diverse IoT devices into your healthcare practice and ensure their interoperability with your existing healthcare systems.

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