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What is Healthcare Practice Management Software?

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    Posted in Healthcare Management

    Last Updated | July 11, 2024

    Medical practice management (PM) software is one of the most essential tools in health healthcare facilities, regardless of size. Often used for coordination and management, hospitals, clinics, and healthcare institutions leverage healthcare management software to automate patient registrations, tracking, reporting, and accounting within a cohesive workflow.

    What is Healthcare Practice Management Software?

    This automation significantly boosts the quality and efficiency of healthcare services, empowering institutions to enhance profitability. In the following sections, we define healthcare practice management software, answer what are the features for practice management software, explain how it works in healthcare, what the software does, its advantages, and much more. 

    Healthcare Practice Management Software Explained

    A healthcare practice management program is a digital health solution to streamline healthcare facility operations. Here are the most common ways it does this:

    • Patient Records Management: Storing and managing patient records, including medical history, appointments, and treatment plans.
    • Appointment Scheduling: Automating appointment scheduling, sending reminders, and managing cancellations.
    • Billing and Invoicing: Streamlining billing processes, managing insurance claims, and processing payments from patients and insurance providers.
    • Reporting and Analytics: Providing detailed reports and analytics to help healthcare providers track patient trends, financial performance, and other vital metrics.
    • Communication Channels: Facilitating communication between healthcare providers, patients, and insurance companies through secure and reliable channels.

    The best practice management software can be deployed in three ways:

    • Desktop-Only Software: Installed on a single computer for individual use.
    • Client-Server Software: Installed on a server for shared access by multiple users within the healthcare institution. 
    • Internet-Based Software: Accessible over the internet, allowing multiple users to access the system remotely.

    What is a Practice Management System in Healthcare?

    A practice management program in healthcare focuses on making hospitals and clinics more efficient with improved data accessibility and security, cloud integration, and digitization. This Software practice management is crucial for medium—and small-scale healthcare facilities to streamline administrative and financial functions. 

    Additionally, many hospitals integrate this software with an EHR practice management system thanks to improved patient data access and reduced patient treatment friction. This integrated practice management software combines two powerful healthcare tools to improve patient treatment. How so?

    Using an integrated practice management software involves patient information, facilitating efficient appointment scheduling, managing billing processes, generating reports for hospital staff, and ensuring timely insurance claims submission. Process automation saves essential time and effort while improving healthcare organization efficiency. 

    Healthcare practice management software is widely used by medium-scale and large-scale healthcare facilities to combine computerized features and streamline daily activities. Using medical management software ensures operational efficiency and allows patients to get treatment. 

    What Are the Features for Healthcare Practice Management Software?

    Managing healthcare facilities and hospitals can be challenging, especially when dealing with many patients. Hiring support staff to handle administrative tasks and related activities can be costly. A clinic practice management software features include:

    Appointment Scheduling

    Scheduling is one of the most pressing challenges faced by the hospital and clinic staff, especially when they have to consider the availability days and times of multiple practitioners and allot the slots appropriately to patients. Using a physician practice management system helps streamline this process, addressing the importance of patient scheduling

    The medical management system enables administrative staff and paramedics to get real-time availability of each doctor in the hospital, minimizing the chances of conflicting appointments and avoiding double bookings.

    Healthcare practice management software enables healthcare providers, practitioners, paramedics, and other administrative and support staff to easily manage patient appointments and schedules across multiple providers.  This feature helps identify and eliminate appointment clashes, preventing double bookings and ensuring efficient patient flow.

    Data Organization

    Medical practice management software systems enable doctors and other administrative staff to conveniently store all relevant patients’ information and easily access it whenever required. 

    Primary fields that can be stored include patients’ names, addresses, contact information, insurance provider, employer, and medical history. The practice management software also stores detailed information like medication, past tests, lab results, etc.

    The software allows healthcare providers to easily store and access patient information whenever needed. It facilitates the storage of extensive data, such as medical history, treatments, and basic patient information. Additionally, it can automatically check for insurance coverage.


    Besides verifying the patients’ insurance coverage, practice management software can prepare bills and develop claim papers. It scans the claims and bills to ensure compliance with regulations and identify errors by generating electronic billing statements and electronic claims for any dispute. 

    Staff members receive automated alerts in case of errors or conflicts in bills and claims. The computerized billing and claim processing system identifies disputes or errors in bills and claims that may delay payment. Whenever a billing conflict is identified, the system can send an automated notification to the staff to resolve it. The system will also send the notification for overdue payments from patients. 

    When a cloud-based system is implemented, the hospital or medical facility can remotely update any billing or procedural codes and rules, ensuring that there are never any outdated codes.


    Doctors and administrative staff need real-time access to in-depth information and data for proper treatment and diagnosis. The best practice management software provides comprehensive reports on patients, clinics, and related activities. 

    Other reporting features include:

    • Patient’s no-show frequency against their appointment
    • Time spent on specific tasks by staff members
    • Time is taken to reimburse claims
    • Clinic performance
    • The time taken for claims to pass through the accounts receivable.

    Access to these reports helps improve healthcare services by identifying trends, optimizing workflows, and enhancing patient outcomes. With powerful healthcare practice management software features, healthcare facilities can streamline administrative tasks, reduce costs, and focus on delivering high-quality patient care.

    3 Important Things You Need to Know About Practice Management Software

    3 Important things You Need to Know About Practice Management Software

    The Advantages of Practice Management Healthcare Software

    Integrated Workflows and Processes

    A cloud-based practice management system(PMS) is designed to create robust and highly integrated workflows and processes that significantly boost medical institutions’ efficiency and productivity. This is crucial in today’s healthcare landscape, where consumers expect personalized, fast, and high-value services.

    Improve Patient Care

    Automating workflows and processes through software practice management programs enhances efficiency and productivity and enables medical institutions to offer better healthcare services to patients. 

    Advanced features like appointment scheduling, billing, claim processing, notification alerts, and reminders help doctors, paramedics, and other staff reduce the administrative burden, allowing them to focus on patient care.

    Increased Profitability

    Streamlined workflows and processes, combined with automated administrative, data-keeping, accounting, and billing tasks, create a dynamic and integrated system that maximizes efficiency and increases profitability for hospitals and medical institutions.

    Automated Billing Process

    Billing and claim processing have long been challenges for healthcare institutions. A practice management system in healthcare automates this process, improving billing and claim processing operations and minimizing errors by detecting insurance coverage and analyzing claims for discrepancies.

    Key Features and Benefits

    • Streamlined Workflows: Automates routine and administrative tasks, reducing redundancies and errors.
    • Improved Patient Care: Enhances patient care by reducing administrative burdens and enabling healthcare providers to focus on patient needs.
    • Increased Profitability: Maximizes efficiency and profitability through streamlined workflows and automated tasks.
    • Automated Billing Process: Automates billing and claim processing, reducing errors and improving the overall process.

    Practice management healthcare benefits include improved efficiency, reduced administrative burdens, enhanced patient care, and better financial management. By automating routine tasks and providing real-time data, healthcare management software helps healthcare institutions optimize their operations and improve patient outcomes.

    The Advantages of Practice Management Software for Practitioners

    Reduced Administrative Burden

    Practice Management Systems (PMS) significantly reduce administrative burdens for healthcare institutions. Without a robust PMS, hospital staff often struggle with various tasks due to the work that needs to be done.

    For example, hospital staff cannot make copies of patients’ insurance cards manually. However, they can scan the card using a PMS, and the system automatically updates the information against the patient’s details. An EHR practice management system will also update patient records to record the visit. 

    Essential Task automation

    A cloud practice management software program also automates claim processing, which is typically tedious for billing departments. The system can automatically analyze claims against relevant information, reducing the time required to resolve claims and enhancing cash flow.

    PMS assists doctors and physicians in validating treatment and cure procedures with insurance companies for diagnosed diseases. By providing doctors and physicians with access to detailed patient medical records, the PMS streamlines the workflow and processes of healthcare services. 

    Other essential benefits of practice management software include:

    • Automated insurance card scanning and data entry
    • Streamlined claim processing and analysis
    • Enhanced cash flow through faster claim resolution
    • Improved treatment validation with insurance companies
    • Access to detailed, categorized patient medical records for better decision-making

    The Benefits of Practice Management Software for Patients

    Practice Management (PM) software is crucial in enhancing patient healthcare services. PM software empowers patients to make informed decisions about their treatment options and any outstanding balances by providing detailed information about their insurance coverage and benefits.

    Patient Benefits

    • Insurance Coverage and Eligibility: Patients are informed about their insurance coverage and benefits, ensuring they know their treatment options and any outstanding balances.
    • Timely Medicine Intake: The system stores detailed medical histories, helping patients or caregivers manage medication schedules and intake.
    • Appointment Reminders: Automated reminders and alerts minimize the risk of missed appointments, ensuring timely and efficient care.

    Key Features

    • Patient Education: Provides patients with detailed insurance coverage and benefits information.
    • Medical History Management: Stores detailed medical histories for patient care and medication management.
    • Appointment Management: Sends automated reminders and alerts to ensure timely appointments.

    Stuck with legacy health record systems?

    The Disadvantages of Practice Management Software 

    Lengthy Contracts

    Software practice management requires healthcare facilities to sign a specific contract to use it for a specified time. While some providers offer monthly contracts, others only offer annual contracts. However, if a lengthy contract is signed, switching to a new software is impossible until the contract expires.

    New Technology

    Healthcare management software is designed to streamline medical activities and is loaded with advanced tools and functions. However, these tools and functions can be complex and overwhelming for medical staff not well-versed in technology. This may lead to resistance to the software, and customized staff training is necessary to ensure effective use.


    Management practice software is a high-utility tool for healthcare facilities, providing significant productivity gains. However, the implementation costs can be too expensive for small and medium-sized healthcare facilities, making it a considerable investment.

    What Are the USP and Components of A Healthcare Practice Management Program?

    Patient Scheduling

    The best medical practice management software offers advanced tools and functionalities to track patient visits. These medical practice management software features include a color-coded schedule for more accessible appointment and visit management, ensuring efficient patient flow and reducing the risk of double bookings. The importance of proper patient scheduling cannot be understated, but it is an essential aspect of hospital management. 

    Claims Process

    The software streamlines claims management through an electronic claim management system. Staff can quickly scan and store claims, which are then analyzed against insurance eligibility, diagnosis, and treatment details for smooth and faster processing.

    Reporting Capabilities

    The best practice management system includes robust reporting functionalities with customizable parameters. These capabilities include:

    • Performance Reporting: Detailed reports on billing, claims, insurance eligibility, and other vital metrics.
    • ICD Codes: Comprehensive reporting on International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for accurate diagnosis and treatment tracking.
    • Appointments: Reports on scheduled appointments, including patient demographics and treatment details.

    What is the Difference Between Healthcare Practice Management Software, Electronic Medical Records, and Telemedicine Solutions?

    Electronic Medical Record (EMR)

    An Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is specialized software for recording patients’ medical histories, primarily used in individual practices. The adoption of EMR technology gained momentum in 2009 when the government incentivized the healthcare industry to embrace digital solutions, leading to the rise of the HITECH Act, which promoted EMR technology adoption. 

    EMRs enhance healthcare services and share data with public health officials for improved healthcare outcomes. Using an EMR practice management combines EMR functionality with the practice management system. 

    Healthcare Practice Management System

    While some records stored in an EMR may overlap with those in a Practice Management System (PMS), the two serve distinct purposes. PMS focuses on financial and administrative practices, complementing the EMR practice management system.

    Different vendors can make integrating PMS with EMR systems challenging, prompting specialized companies to facilitate seamless integration between the two systems. However, overcoming integration challenges inevitably contributes to better patient treatment. 

    Telemedicine Services

    Telemedicine services encompass telemedicine software that delivers healthcare remotely to patients. Initially targeting rural or remote areas lacking access to quality medical services, telemedicine now extends to broader applications leveraging technology for convenient healthcare delivery. This evolution reflects the integration of technology to enhance healthcare accessibility and efficiency.

    EHR and Software Practice Management – Two Complementary Healthcare Systems

    An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a digital version of a paper chart that documents and stores patients’ medical information on electronic systems. EHRs are patient-focused, real-time record management systems that ensure secure and instant access to data. 

    They store patients’ treatment and medical history, but their primary purpose is to collect clinical data in the office. EHR implementation remains an important part of efficiently running healthcare organizations. 

    Key Features of EHR

    • Patient-Focused: EHRs are designed to manage patient data and ensure secure access to information.
    • Real-Time: EHRs provide instant access to patient data, ensuring timely and accurate decision-making.
    • Secure: EHRs ensure the security and confidentiality of patient data.

    Health Practice Management Software (PMS)

    Practice Management Software (PMS) is designed to optimize daily healthcare operations by managing general medical documentation and patient flow at medical facilities.

    Key Features of PMS

    • Scheduling: PMS helps manage patient appointments and schedules.
    • Insurance Claims and Eligibility: PMS verifies insurance claims and eligibility for patients.
    • Financial Reporting: PMS provides detailed financial reports for healthcare facilities.
    • Claims Management: PMS manages claims and billing processes for healthcare facilities.

    Additional Features of PMS

    • Charge Posting: PMS helps post charges for patient services.
    • Patient Demographics: PMS manages patient demographics and contact information.
    • Payment Posting: PMS posts patient payments and updates financial records.
    • Worklists: PMS creates worklists for healthcare providers to manage tasks.
    • A/R Follow-up: PMS helps manage accounts receivable and follow up on outstanding payments.
    • Reporting: PMS provides detailed reports for healthcare facilities.
    • Patient Statements: PMS generates patient statements for billing and payment purposes.

    Importance of PMS

    • Efficiency: PMS helps optimize daily healthcare operations, reducing administrative burdens.
    • Better Medical Services: PMS helps healthcare facilities offer better medical services by streamlining processes and improving patient care.

    EMR and Practice Management Systems – Two Essential Healthcare Tools

    Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

    Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is well-known for organizing patient care. They are databases that store information about patients’ treatment and medical histories, including prescriptions, lab results, and previous visits. EMR records are digitalized versions of paper charts with straightforward navigation, making patient information readily available with a few clicks.

    Benefits of EMR:

    • Data Tracking: EMR can track patient data, helping save storage space by reducing paper files.
    • Preventive Care: EMR can track when patients need to schedule screenings or checkups, improving preventive care.
    • Patient Monitoring: EMR can help monitor patients’ vaccinations, blood pressure, and vital signs.
    • Data Analysis: EMR can analyze patient care data to identify trends and improve healthcare outcomes.

    Health Practice Management Software

    Health practice management software combines digital tools to manage various healthcare activities, such as revenue tracking and lead generation. It comes in different forms, including client-server software, desktop apps, and internet-based software. Medical management software primarily focuses on administrative and financial aspects of healthcare functions.

    Key Features of Practice Management Software:

    • Optimization: Optimizes healthcare facilities’ day-to-day functions.
    • Marketing: Helps with marketing to attract more patients.
    • Lead Management: Manages leads and creates calendars for different medical activities.
    • Task Management: Manages healthcare tasks and creates valuable reports.

    What is Healthcare Practice Management Software?

    Clinically – Best PM Software

    Clinically is an innovative and robust practice management system designed to offer clients many functionalities and automation features to enhance workflow and processes. Some of the features of Clinical practice management software include:

    • Lead Management
    • Central repository for clients’ records
    • Sales tracking

    Folio3 Will Help you with a custom Practice Management Solution.

    Suppose you’re looking to have your online practice management software, physician practice management software, web-based practice management software, or practice management software for doctors built. In that case, Folio3 Digital Health is the way to go.

    Our trained designers, developers, and testers will help you with everything from ideation to final deployment and post-deployment maintenance. All Folio3 Digital Health products are HIPAA and FHIR-compliant to ensure the final product combines form, function, and regulatory compliance in one neatly wrapped package. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What Is the Medigap Number of Practice Management Software?

    A Medigap is an exclusive insurance policy offered by private insurance companies. The coverage provided by Medigap insurance aims to cover specific patient gaps that are otherwise not covered by the original health insurance policies. The practice management software can analyze patients’ eligibility through its Medigap number to notify the treatment and procedures included in the policy.

    What Is the Fastest Way to Search for an Account in a Practice Management Software Program?

    Various practice management software programs can be easily purchased online and quickly integrated into hospitals and other medical institutions’ existing systems and processes.

    About the Author

    Noc Folio3