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Building Your App Hospital: A Guide to Features, Costs, and Implementation

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    Posted in Healthcare App Development

    Last Updated | February 26, 2024

    Overview: App Hospital

    With the growth of technology and innovation, mobile applications have emerged as a support for all industries. Like any other industry, it hasn’t left the healthcare industry from impact. 

    Building App Hospital

    The ever-growing demand for healthcare applications makes it evident that the future of healthcare is technology. Apps today are taking care of all aspects, from managing resources to patients seeking specialized treatment or care.

    Mobile applications have bridged the gap between caregivers and patients. It helps manage the workforce effectively and lowers the cost while achieving optimal levels of efficiency. App hospital service has also empowered physicians to provide timely and accurate treatment to patients from the comfort of their homes. 

    It only highlights how well healthcare organizations have played their role in revolutionizing the healthcare game for patients. 

    In this blog, we will cover the reasons behind building an app for a hospital, its essential features, the development process, and even cost optimization. Let’s get started. 

    Global Market Trends of mHealth Apps

    The mHealth app market is on fire and shows no signs of slowing down. Grand View Research conducted a study in which they concluded that the value of mHealth will reach $458.5 billion by 2027. This outstanding growth clarifies how important it is to have convenient, personalized healthcare at our fingertips.

    72% of smartphone users worldwide have at least one health app on their devices. People are turning to their phones not just for communication but also for health management.

    Various types of health apps are available in the market, and chronic disease management applications are leading the way. They allow patients to perform a lot of tasks, including but not limited to

    • Tracking conditions.
    • Setting reminders for medication.
    • Sharing information with healthcare providers.

    mHealth apps aren’t just making healthcare more accessible; they’re also making it more cost-effective. According to a study, these apps could save the healthcare system billions annually. 

    They streamline processes, reduce unnecessary hospitalizations, and empower patients to manage their health proactively.

    It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the mHealth app market is booming. Hospitals can leverage this trend to engage patients, improve health outcomes, and optimize operations.

    Why Choose to Develop an App Hospital?

    With an app hospital, you can provide patients, hospitals, and staff with many benefits. Health apps can save billions annually by enhancing efficiency and reducing hospital stays. These trends underline the massive potential of health apps, especially for hospitals aiming to engage patients, improve outcomes, and optimize operations.

    Hospital apps are not just a trend; it’s a significant shift in how healthcare is delivered and experienced. It’s beneficial for patients, healthcare providers, and hospitals alike, making it an integral part of the future of healthcare. Here’s how an app hospital can help patients, hospitals, and staff: 

    Building App development for hospitals

    Comfortable Appointment Scheduling

    Hospital app development revolutionizes patient experiences, particularly in appointment scheduling. With these apps, patients can conveniently book, reschedule, or cancel appointments, eliminating long waits and tedious phone calls.

    One-Touch Access to Medical Reports

    One significant advantage of mobile app development is the one-touch access to medical reports. Patients can view their clinical data, including lab results and medication details, at any time, fostering a proactive approach to health management.

    Healthcare Workflow Efficiency

    These apps are transforming healthcare workflows. They automate manual tasks, increasing efficiency and freeing up staff to focus on patient care. This aspect of app development is having a profound impact on healthcare delivery.

    Third-Party Billing Integrations

    Another critical feature of hospital mobile app development is third-party billing integrations. These features simplify financial transactions, allowing patients to track bills, make secure payments, and receive due payment reminders. This technology ensures timely revenue collection for the hospital and convenience for patients.

    Remote Patient Diagnostics

    Telehealth app development is also emerging in the context of remote patient diagnostics. Doctors can monitor patients’ vital signs, assess symptoms, and diagnose conditions without traditional, in-person visits. This capability is especially beneficial for chronic disease management and post-operative care.

    Timely Care Interventions

    They are crucial in facilitating timely care interventions and can alert doctors when a patient’s health deteriorates. It enables prompt action to significantly improve health outcomes and potentially save lives.

    Personalized Care Solutions with IoT

    The app development integrates with Internet of Things (IoT) devices to deliver personalized care solutions. These apps provide real-time insights into a patient’s health status, from sleep tracking to heart rate monitoring. These insights can inform tailored treatment plans and lifestyle modifications.

    Efficient Team Collaboration

    Lastly, they provide a platform for seamless communication among healthcare providers, enabling effective care coordination. Through these apps, staff can share updates, discuss patient cases, and make joint decisions in real time. This aspect of hospital mobile app development significantly improves healthcare delivery.

    Types of Hospital Apps to Improve Patient Outcomes and Engagement

    Types of Hospital Apps to Improve Patient Outcomes

    With the growing healthcare needs and technology, a diverse range of apps is readily available. These apps cater to specific needs and enhance patient experiences.

    The decision to invest in healthcare app development should consider the needs of the target users. It should also consider the potential benefits to patient care and hospital operations. Here are some of the types of apps: 

    EHR/EPR Apps

    EHR/EPR apps play a significant role in the app development. They give patients access to their health records. It promotes patient engagement and improves outcomes. Developing a healthcare app like EHR/EPR can change the game for hospitals.

    Appointment Scheduling Apps

    Appointment scheduling apps are common in a general hospital app. They allow patients to manage their appointments with ease. It enhances patient satisfaction and engagement.

    Telemedicine Apps

    Telemedicine app development is a great tool for providing virtual consultations and minimizing the cost of facility management. They bridge the gap between patients and healthcare services and are handy during emergencies or pandemics.

    Emergency Response Apps

    They provide immediate assistance in critical situations. These apps can connect users to emergency services. They can also send alerts to family members or provide first-aid instructions.

    Billing and Payment Apps

    Billing and payment apps simplify the financial aspects of healthcare. They provide transparent billing information and facilitate various payment options. This makes the process stress-free for patients and efficient for hospitals.

    Staff Collaboration Apps

    Staff collaboration apps enhance communication among healthcare teams. They enable real-time updates and discussions. They also facilitate decision-making, leading to improved patient care. The healthcare app development costs can be justified with improved staff efficiency and collaboration.

    Fitness and Wellness Apps

    Fitness and wellness apps encourage users to maintain a healthy lifestyle. They track physical activity and recommend workouts. They also monitor sleep patterns and provide nutrition advice. These apps serve as preventive healthcare tools.

    Women Anxiety Care Apps

    Women’s anxiety care apps provide mental health support tailored for women. They offer resources like mindfulness exercises and anxiety management tips. They also provide access to professional support.

    Personalized Nutrition and Supplements Suggestor Apps

    Personalized nutrition and supplement suggestion apps serve as digital nutritionists. They offer customized nutrition advice and supplement recommendations. These are based on a user’s health data, dietary habits, and goals.

    Healthcare Staff Collaboration Web Apps

    Healthcare staff collaboration web apps streamline communication among healthcare teams. They facilitate task management and improve care delivery. These apps can be accessed via a web browser.

    Child Development and Mentoring Apps

    Child development and mentoring apps are vital to a children’s hospital app. They provide resources for tracking child growth and monitoring developmental milestones. They also offer parenting advice. These apps engage parents by providing insights into their child’s development.

    The decision to invest in healthcare app development should be based on the needs of the target users. It should also consider the potential benefits to both patient care and hospital operations.

    Step-by-Step Process in the App Hospital Development Process

    Creating an app for hospitals is indeed a multi-step process. It’s an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement based on user feedback and changing industry trends. 

    By following these steps, you can create an app that truly meets the needs of your users. Here’s a more detailed breakdown:

    1 – Assessment and Requirement Gathering

    Begin with understanding your audience and carrying out interviews with patients, staff, and stakeholders to know their needs and preferences. It’s crucial to dive deep into their pain points and expectations. 

    Next, study competitor apps closely. Consider what they’re doing well and where they lack. Analyze market trends to identify gaps that your app can fill. 

    Following this research, define the goals and objectives of your app clearly. Ensure these goals align with the needs you identified earlier.

    2 – Design and Prototyping

    Once you have a clear idea of your users’ needs, start designing the user experience. Create comprehensive user personas that accurately represent your target users. 

    Map out user journeys to visualize how they interact with the app at different stages. Develop wireframes and prototypes, keeping the user interface simple and intuitive.

    3 – Development

    With the design in place, it’s time to start building the app. Choose a technology stack that is secure, scalable, and suits your needs and budget. 

    Implement the core features that align with your goals. At this stage, data privacy should be a priority. Make sure your app complies with regulations like HIPAA to protect user data.

    4 – Integration and Testing

    Your app needs to work seamlessly with existing hospital systems like EHRs and billing platforms. Take the time to integrate these systems with your app. 

    After integration, conduct rigorous testing. Check for functionality, security, performance, and compatibility across different devices. Identify any bugs or defects and fix them before the launch.

    5 – Deployment and Launch

    Now you’re ready to launch. Choose the right app store platforms for your app, keeping your target audience in mind. Develop a marketing strategy to promote your app effectively. 

    Train your staff on how to use the app and provide support to users. You could also consider a soft launch to gather initial feedback and make improvements before a full-scale launch.

    6 – Post-Launch Maintenance

    Once the app is live, your work is far from over. Gather user feedback regularly and analyze usage data to understand user behavior. 

    Update the app based on user feedback and changing needs. Stay updated on industry trends and regulations to ensure your app remains relevant and valuable.

    Must-Have Features for Your Hospital App

    Healthcare practices have unique requirements according to their specialty. These features, tailored to your audience’s needs and preferences, can make your hospital app a powerful tool for optimizing patient engagement and healthcare delivery.

    Creating a hospital app that engages patients and optimizes operations indeed calls for a strategic selection of features. Here’s an expanded look at the crucial features you need:

    Appointment Scheduling

    This feature should enable patients to search for available appointments easily, filter by a specialist, and book or reschedule slots directly in the app. The app should sync with patients’ personal calendars to provide reminders and avoid scheduling conflicts.

    Alerts can notify patients when early appointments become available, allowing them to see their healthcare provider sooner.


    Secure electronic prescriptions can be sent directly to pharmacies, eliminating paper hassle and improving medication adherence. Patients can be prompted to renew prescriptions before they run out, ensuring continuity of treatment.

    Providing easily accessible information about medications and potential side effects can also enhance patients’ understanding and safe use of prescribed drugs.

    Access to EMR/EHR

    Granting patients controlled access to their medical records, including lab results, medications, and discharge summaries, can empower them to take charge of their health. 

    Context and explanations alongside data can help patients better understand their health status and participate actively in healthcare decisions.

    Push Notifications

    Timely reminders sent directly to patients’ devices can reduce missed appointments. Notifying patients about new test results and providing access to detailed reports within the app can keep them informed and engaged.

    Moreover, reminders can ensure patients refill their prescriptions on time, promoting medication adherence.

    Secured Payment Gateways

    Convenient and secure in-app payment options for appointments, bills, and other services can enhance the user experience. Supporting various payment methods like credit cards and digital wallets can cater to user preferences.

    Compliance with industry standards and encryption protocols is essential to protect sensitive financial information.

    Chat Support

    Secure in-app chat can enable patients to connect with healthcare professionals for non-urgent questions and concerns. Chat support offers an alternative to traditional phone communication, potentially reducing call center volume and wait times.

    Offering chat support in multiple languages can cater to diverse patient populations, improving accessibility and satisfaction.

    Doctor Profiles

    Showcasing doctor profiles with information on specialties, qualifications, and experience can build patient trust.

    Patients should be able to filter and choose doctors based on their profile details. A moderated review system can facilitate informed decision-making by patients.


    Virtual appointments with doctors and specialists can increase access to care and reduce travel needs. Secure video conferencing technology can support real-time interaction and diagnosis.

    Convenient follow-up appointments through telemedicine can facilitate ongoing monitoring and management of health conditions.

    One-Click Ambulance

    A panic button or one-click emergency call feature can provide immediate assistance in critical situations. This can enable emergency services to locate patients quickly and efficiently.

    With patient consent, sharing essential medical information with emergency responders can inform treatment decisions.

    Integration with Wearables

    The app should be able to connect with wearable devices to collect and integrate patient health data like heart rate and activity levels. It can offer personalized health insights and recommendations based on tracked data.

    Healthcare professionals can remotely monitor chronic conditions and proactively intervene when needed, potentially improving health outcomes.

    How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Hospital App?

    How to make a healthcare app is a question that leads to another question. How much does a healthcare mobile app cost? Honestly, it can be influenced by several factors. 

    The complexity of the app and the level of expertise of the hospital app development company are two major determinants. For a basic MVP or prototype, costs differ on various factors, while a complex general hospital app or university hospital app could cost anywhere 50,000$ – 200,000. 

    The rise of app hospital services has fueled the demand for comprehensive healthcare apps. These apps often have to integrate with existing features. Such integration requires a deep understanding of both healthcare and technology.

    It’s crucial to conduct thorough market research and audience analysis. It ensures that your investment results in a valuable product that meets the needs of your users. 

    Balancing cost-effectiveness with quality is critical to a successful healthcare app. Here’s what you need to know: 

    MVP or Prototype

    • Basic functionalities like appointment scheduling, patient records access, and bill viewing cost less than more advanced features like AI-powered symptom checkers or complex integration with medical devices.
    • High-fidelity prototypes with polished interfaces and interactions require more time and resources.
    • Faster development means fewer iterations and potentially higher hourly rates.

    Features and Functionalities

    • Basic features such as appointment scheduling, messaging, and reminders have lower costs.
    • Advanced features like remote consultations, telemonitoring, and AI-driven diagnostics require specialized expertise and incur higher expenses.
    • Integrations with third-party systems like EHR add development and maintenance costs.

    Choice of Platform

    • Hybrid apps offer some cost savings but may have limitations in functionality and performance.
    • Web apps are generally the most affordable option but might lack native app features and user experience.
    • The technical complexity of each platform implementation.
    • Maintenance needs for different platforms are different, and integration with multiple platforms may increase maintenance cost.

    Complexity of the Application

    • The complexity of the application is directly proportional to the number and nature of features.
    • If the application has Integration requirements, that increases the cost.
    • The cost changes if the application needs custom development due to the time utilized.

    UI/UX Design

    • Design complexity and interactivity drive the cost of the user experience and interface.
    • UI/UX in custom apps needs user research and iteration.
    • The designer’s experience and hourly rate are related to the design of the application.

    Development Team’s Location

    • Hourly rates of developers, project managers, QA, and other business resources.
    • Time zone differences and communication overhead often change the cost of the product.

    Regulatory Compliances

    • Adhering to relevant healthcare regulations like HIPAA and GDPR adds costs due to expertise and potential audits.
    • Specific regulations and compliance requirements, i.e., data encryption and security protocols.
    • Data security and privacy needs such as third-party audits and certifications add to the development cost.

    Maintenance and Support

    • Maintenance and support are essential for app functionality, security, and performance.
    • Maintenance and support expenses may vary on the frequency and complexity of updates and bug fixes.
    • The Infrastructure and server costs require continuous maintenance and other fees.
    Cost Factor Description Cost Range
    MVP or Prototype Scope, Design fidelity, Timeframe $10,000 – $50,000+
    Features and Functionalities Complexity, Integration requirements, Custom development vs. components Highly variable, depends on complexity and integration
    Choice of Platform Technical complexity of each platform, Maintenance needs Native: More expensive, Hybrid: Moderately expensive, Web: Most affordable
    Complexity of the Application Number and nature of features, Integration requirements, Custom development vs. components Directly linked to complexity
    UI/UX Design Design complexity and interactivity, Need for user research and iteration, Designer’s experience and hourly rate $5,000 – $50,000+
    Development Team’s Location Hourly rates of developers and staff, Time zone differences and communication overhead North America & Western Europe: $50-$200+ per hour, Eastern Europe & Southeast Asia: $20-$80+ per hour, Latin America & Africa: $10-$50+ per hour
    Regulatory Compliances Specific regulations and compliance requirements, Data security and privacy needs, Third-party audits and certifications Can vary significantly depending on regulations.


    The cost of developing a hospital app is influenced by many factors. These include the complexity of the app, development team expertise, and specific functionalities desired. 

    Ultimately, a thorough understanding of the healthcare market and user needs is essential to balance cost-effectiveness and deliver a quality app hospital. Take your time to understand it all, and don’t let anything deter you from creating an innovative healthcare solution.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    How Do You Create an App Hospital?

    Hospital app development involves identifying audience needs, planning, developing, and integrating critical features like appointments, EHR access, and telemedicine.

    How Long Does It Take To Develop a Healthcare App?

    The time frame for developing a healthcare app can significantly vary, generally taking anywhere from several months to over a year, depending on the complexity of the app.

    How Big Is the Medical App Market?

    Grand View Research estimated the global mHealth apps market to be USD 43.5 billion in 2022, projected to reach USD 105.9 billion by 2030.

    Who Uses Health Apps the Most?

    Health apps are popular among 18-29-year-olds and individuals with chronic conditions. 

    About the Author

    Afnan Ali

    Afnan Ali is a digital marketing professional with over 5 years of experience. Afnan's expertise lies in crafting comprehensive digital marketing strategies, with a strong foundation in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as the core. His experience spans various digital marketing channels, including PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising, email marketing, Account-Based Marketing (ABM), and social media marketing (SMM). This well-rounded skillset allows Afnan to develop and execute data-driven campaigns that achieve measurable results.