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Best Ovulation Tracker Apps of 2025 to Boost Fertility

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Posted in fitness App

Last Updated | February 26, 2025

Trying to conceive involves much more complexity than we realize, and understanding the biology that governs women’s bodies can make a lot of difference. Ovulation tracking apps have become a valuable resource that provides insights into menstrual cycles, fertility windows, and ovulation timing. By offering accurate predictions on ovulation, women can make better decisions about their reproductive health, whether they are planning to conceive or managing their fertility. The best app to track ovulation is a great source for women to learn about their bodies and have a sense of control during this time. So, which is the best ovulation tracker app among the lot? Let’s find out.

Best Ovulation Tracker Apps to Boost Your Fertility in 2025

Best Ovulation Tracker Apps of 2025 – Our Top Picks 

Here is the list containing the best ovulation tracker app available: 

Best Overall Ovulation Tracker: Clue Period & Cycle Tracker

It is the best ovulation tracking app that offers high accuracy in predicting your menstrual cycle. The team collaborates with scientists and doctors to keep the ovulation calculator app predictions as updated as possible. 

If you are trying to get pregnant, this ovulation tracking app can help by tracking your basal body temperature (a marker to identify egg release time). The Clue app is a comprehensive application that combines all the accurate aspects of tracking your menstrual cycles, ovulation, and fertility. 

  • Average Rating: 4.6/5
  • Price: Free with in-app purchases

Best for Irregular Cycles: Flo Period & Ovulation Tracker

Flo is a simple application that helps track your period cycle, ovulation, and gauge fertility. It offers mostly accurate fertility and ovulation calendars based on machine learning (ML) or artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to interpret data. 

The best ovulation tracking app notifies you about your fertile days, ideal for conception. Additionally, it tracks the cycle, period, and PMS symptoms, presenting all your data in handy charts

  • Average Rating: 4.6/5
  • Price: Free with in-app purchases

Best for PCOS & Hormonal Imbalances: Ovia Fertility Tracker

The Ovia fertility tracking app provides tailored, accurate period predictions along with information on the fertile window by using details about your periods, sex life, and symptoms.

Free period tracker apps like this provide health summaries and valuable stats, like average cycle length, period length, and more.

  • Average Rating: 4.8/5
  • Price: Free

Best for Couples Trying to Conceive: Glow Ovulation App

Those trying to start a family can take control with the information needed to track periods, ovulation, and plan pregnancy based on the most fertile days.

Glow can be the best ovulation tracker app that comes with a calculator and symptom recording capabilities, along with sexual activity and mood details, to optimize chances of getting pregnant.

  • Average Rating: 4.6/5
  • Price: Free with in-app purchases

Best AI-Powered Prediction: Natural Cycles – Birth Control & Fertility

It is the best period ovulation tracker app that identifies ovulation by analyzing your basal body temperature (your body temperature at rest). This feature helps track ovulation because your basal body temperature rises 1-2 degrees after you ovulate.

Among the apps for trying to conceive, this option helps you learn about your cycle with daily updates; it tells you where you are in your cycle when ovulation is expected/detected, and when to expect a period.

  • Average Rating: 4.7/5
  • Price: Free with in-app purchases

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Best for Symptom Tracking: Fertility Friend

This ovulation tracker app is equipped with an advanced calendar and period tracker. Fertility Friend delivers customized, data-driven insights into your fertility.

Fertility Friend is among the best apps for trying to conceive since it utilizes your data to create a custom fertility chart with tips on what can help you conceive. Moreover, it also sends alerts on your most fertile days.

  • Average Rating: 4.8/5 
  • Price: Free with in-app purchases

Best for Data-Driven Insights: Ava Fertility Tracker

Ava is a wearable fertility tracker that helps decipher your menstrual cycle and identifies its most fertile days. The sensor bracelet is worn during sleep, tracking physiological parameters such as resting pulse rate and skin temperature. 

This data is analyzed to provide insights into your fertility window and offers daily updates and tailored guidance to assist those trying to conceive.

  • Average Rating: 4.7/5
  • Price: Free with in-app purchases

Best for Pregnancy Planning: Period Tracker by GP Apps

GP Apps developed the best family planning app featuring a simple interface. It tracks ovulation, the 8-day fertile window, and cycle days, presenting it in the form of a widget right on the home screen. 

This free ovulation tracker also gives details on PMS, weight, temperature, etc, and looks for patterns in the app’s comprehensive charts.

  • Average Rating: 4.7/5
  • Price: Free with in-app purchases

Best Budget-Friendly Option: Cycles Period & Ovulation Tracker

Dive deeper into fertility beyond the basics of tracking ovulation and menstrual cycles. This app offers insights into hormonal patterns and lifestyle factors to personalize recommendations, increasing the chances of conception. 

You can share the information privately with your partner and create calendars to know exactly when to indulge in intercourse if you are trying to get pregnant.

  • Average Rating: 4.6/5
  • Price: Free with in-app purchases

Best Wearable Device Integration: Tempdrop Fertility Monitor

  • Average Rating: 4.5/5
  • Price: In-app purchases required. 

Sometimes, simply tracking basal body temperature may not provide enough information. Fertility tracking apps like these provide reliable information and convenient methods to understand fertility patterns. 

Tempdrop offers a wearable sensor that automatically collects your BBT data overnight, and provides accurate readings, even with varying sleep schedules, for an in-depth understanding of your cycle.

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How Do Ovulation Tracker Apps Work?

The best ovulation tracker app stores and analyzes past period dates, heart rate, basal body temperature, cervical fluid, etc. Once the data is entered into the app, this information then predicts the next dates for fertility. If you know when you are ovulating, you can make informed decisions.

Here’s a general pattern of how an ovulation calculator app works:

1. User Profile Setup

After downloading the application, users go through an onboarding process and enter the following details: 

  • Date of the last period
  • Average cycle length
  • Goals (tracking for pregnancy, contraception, or health monitoring)

2. Data Input & Logging 

The best ovulation tracker app syncs with wearable devices to fetch real-time data automatically. Additionally, users can manually log the following:

  • Symptoms (cramps, mood swings, bloating, etc.)
  • Body temperature (Basal Body Temperature – BBT)
  • Cervical mucus consistency
  • Ovulation test (LH test) results

3. Cycle Prediction Algorithm

Once fertility tracking apps have the required data, they analyze past cycles using predefined models or AI-based algorithms to predict the following:

  • Next period date
  • Ovulation date
  • Fertile window (5-6 days when conception is likely)

4. AI & Machine Learning Adaptation

The best ovulation tracker app utilizes AI to learn from user behavior and adjust its predictions. Some applications integrate neural networks to analyze irregular periods and detect possible fertility issues.

  • Variations in menstrual cycles
  • Symptom patterns
  • BBT trends

5. Alerts & Notifications

The best free period tracking app offers reminders for:

  • Upcoming period
  • Ovulation day
  • LH testing or temperature tracking
  • Birth control (if tracking for contraception)

Women’s Health App Market Growth (2024-2033)

Women’s Health App Market Growth (2024-2033)

Top 10 Benefits of Using an Ovulation Tracker App

1. Precise Fertile Window Prediction

The best ovulation tracker app does more than simple calendar calculations and alerts about period dates. They utilize algorithms that analyze data you input, such as basal body temperature (BBT), cervical mucus changes, etc., to predict your ovulation. This allows high-level personalization and accurate estimation of your fertile window, which maximizes the chance of conception. Getting to know those few peak fertility days helps couples to strategically time intercourse, increasing the likelihood of pregnancy.

2. Enhanced Cycle Awareness

Consistent menstrual cycle tracking requires in-depth knowledge of the body’s natural rhythms. Familiarity with different phases of the period cycle (follicular, ovulatory, luteal) and their durations helps understand subtle shifts in your body accompanying each phase. This awareness supports anticipation of changes to better manage your overall health.

3. Symptom Tracking and Pattern Recognition

The best ovulation tracker app is a platform to record a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms. Mood swings, headaches, bloating, and breast tenderness are just a few of the nuances. Over time, you can identify patterns that relate to specific phases of your cycle. This aids in symptom management, improving your quality of life.

4. Irregular Cycle Monitoring

Ovulation tracker apps are particularly valuable for those with irregular cycles and who want to conceive or avoid it. These applications track and identify trends and potential irregularities that might otherwise go unnoticed. This data identifies underlying health issues, providing valuable information to healthcare providers. 

5. Data for Healthcare Providers

The detailed records generated by the best ovulation tracker app provide healthcare providers with a comprehensive view of the menstrual and ovulatory patterns. This information aids in diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as infertility, hormonal imbalances, and menstrual disorders. Having this data available improves the accuracy of medical assessments.

6. Increased Control Over Family Planning

Whether one aims to conceive or avoid pregnancy, the best ovulation tracker app provides the knowledge and tools to make better decisions. By accurately identifying the fertile window, you can either time intercourse to maximize the chance of conception or avoid intercourse during those days to prevent pregnancy. 

7. Improved Understanding of Hormonal Changes

By correlating symptoms with the different phases of the menstrual cycle, you understand how hormones affect moods, energy levels, and overall well-being. This knowledge helps anticipate and manage hormonal fluctuations for a more balanced life. 

8. Reduction of Stress Related to Conception

The uncertainty of conception is a huge source of stress for many couples. Ovulation tracker apps can relieve this by providing a clearer picture of your fertile window. Knowing when it’s most likely to happen, you can reduce the anxiety associated with timing intercourse and increase your confidence.

9. Tracking Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

The best ovulation tracker app integrates BBT tracking, which is a reliable method for confirming ovulation. The body’s temperature at rest rises slightly after ovulation. By tracking your BBT daily, you can confirm when ovulation has occurred. This added layer of data improves the accuracy of fertility predictions.

10. Cervical Mucus Monitoring

Other than BBT, cervical mucus changes serve as a significant indicator of fertility. The best ovulation tracker app often allows recording these changes. It becomes clear and stretchy around the time of ovulation. By tracking cervical mucus, you can identify your most fertile days and improve the accuracy of your ovulation prediction. 

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How to Choose the Right Ovulation Tracker App?

There are multiple factors to consider when it comes to choosing the best fertility app or ovulation tracker app. It is a must to select an application that is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Go for ovulation apps that have a clean interface and offer clear instructions.

Other than that, always keep in mind the specific features important to you. If you target irregular cycles or a specific medical condition such as PCOS, look for specialized tracking options and personalized recommendations. 

Make sure not to miss the following factors while selecting the best ovulation tracker app: 

Prediction Accuracy

The best ovulation tracker app uses reliable algorithms to predict ovulation based on your cycle history and fertility signs, not just relying on a standard 28-day cycle. 

Tracking Features

Check if the application allows you to log data like basal body temperature, cervical mucus consistency, flow intensity, ovulation predictor, and other relevant symptoms. 

Customization Options

Make sure it allows you to adjust cycle length and set reminders to suit your needs, especially if you have irregular menstrual cycles or have conditions like PCOS. 

Data Privacy

Check the application’s privacy policy to make sure your data is securely handled. 

Integration with Other Devices

The best ovulation tracker app allows syncing data with other health trackers or fertility monitors. 

Educational Content

Always choose applications that provide helpful, detailed information and explanations about ovulation, fertility, and the menstrual cycle. 

Get an Ovulation Tracker App Made By Partnering with Folio3 Digital Health 

Are you looking to get the best ovulation tracker app made? Folio3 Digital Health can help! 

We create secure and reliable applications and offer smart insights with AI to deliver optimal patient care. With us, you get a high-end platform that is safe, scalable, and boosts your business while meeting regulatory requirements like HIPAA.  We strictly follow FHIR and HL7 interoperability standards for custom healthcare software development and fitness app development services, offering secure and scalable data exchange across multiple healthcare systems.


An ovulation tracker app is a smart health assistant that uses data analytics, AI, and its machine learning capabilities to predict ovulation, fertility window, and menstrual health. Over time, it gets extensively personalized and accurate based on user inputs and wearable integrations. Connect with us to learn more about this!

Best Ovulation Tracker Apps to Boost Your Fertility in 2025

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is an ovulation tracker app?

This application has a program that helps you track your menstrual cycle and predict when you are most likely to ovulate.

How accurate are ovulation tracking apps?

Even the best ovulation tracker app only guarantees 21% accuracy. 

Can ovulation tracker apps help me get pregnant?

Yes. An ovulation tracker app can help you track ovulation dates (egg release) to help you conceive. 

Do ovulation apps work for women with irregular periods?

The best ovulation tracker app can help women with irregular periods identify their patterns and learn more about their cycles, but it cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.

Which ovulation tracker app is best for PCOS?

The best ovulation tracker app for PCOS patients can be any of these: Flo, Clue, Mira, and PCOS Tracker. 

Can ovulation apps be used for birth control?

No. Ovulation apps cannot be used as birth control as they help you track ovulation dates but do not protect against pregnancy. 

Are ovulation tracker apps safe and private?

Yes, if you choose a reputable company that follows safety protocols and strong security measures, their period app does not pose privacy risks.

What are the names of the best ovulation tracker apps?

  • Best overall app: Clue Period & Cycle Tracker
  • Irregular periods: Flo Period & Ovulation Tracker
  • Flexible cycle tracking: Glow
  • Personalized data: Fertility Friend
  • Cost Effective: Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker
  • Birth control alternative: Natural Cycles – Birth Control
  • Symptom management: Period Tracker by GP Apps
  • Period tracking: Period Tracker
  • Ovulation symptoms: Ovulation Calendar & Fertility
  • Sexual health tracking: Eve Period Tracker
  • PMS symptom tracking: Bellabeat Period Diary
  • Ovulation and menstrual symptom tracking: Cycles
  • Pregnancy prevention: Period Tracker Period Calendar
  • Quick hit data: Life Period Tracker Calendar

About the Author

Naqqash Khan

Naqqash Khan

As a seasoned .NET Developer, I am dedicated to creating innovative digital health solutions that improve patient outcomes and streamline healthcare processes. Working in the Digital Health division of Folio3, I have a wealth of experience utilizing the latest technologies to craft highly scalable, HIPAA-compliant, and secure software systems. My experience includes developing web and mobile applications, implementing RESTful APIs, and utilizing cloud computing technologies such as AWS/Azure for scalable and secure data storage and processing. If you're looking for a professional who can turn your digital health vision into a reality, connect with me to discuss how we can work together to revolutionize healthcare through technology.

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