About St.Michaels Hospital
The Problem that Got Them Thinking
St. Michael’s Hospital wanted to develop a healthcare solution catering to the mental needs of women suffering from endometriosis. Women suffering from this painful disorder suffer from various mental traumas such as increased stress levels that affect their ability to carry out daily responsibilities, hormonal imbalance resulting in mood swings, anxiety, and depression.
St. Michael’s realized that they required a platform through which women could be provided with different coping methods to deal with mental health issues through meditation and mindfulness exercises. Along with this, access to latest and credible research material related to endometriosis was a key prerequisite for the healthcare institution.
The Value Delivered By Folio3 Digital Health
Folio3 designed and developed a mobile based solution for the healthcare institution tailored to fit the healthcare needs of women suffering from endometriosis. The initial step involved conducting the entire application discovery process which consisted of identifying the different user personas, application work flows and functionalities to ensure an easy to use and hassle free user experience of the application.
The second involved the digital transformation of the application based on the outcomes of the discovery process. This involved the development team at Folio3 creating a complete healthcare mobile solution that addressed different exercises and focused on content areas such as therapy sessions, video and text content related to endometriosis, meditation and breathing exercises, along with mindfulness scores.