A Telemedicine Mobile App to Schedule Patient Doctor Appointments and Deliver Instant Care

PsychPlus Overview
PsychPlus is a group of clinics in USA with the vision to solve the growing mental health crisis by building modern, human-centered and technology powered, mental healthcare ecosystems.
They needed a reliable tech team to build a telemedicine application to bridge the gap between patients and psychiatrists/therapists. They sought the team’s experience in creating mental health and telehealth applications and integrating third-party billing to enable instant payments while upholding HIPAA security standards and patient confidentiality.
Challenge: To Make Mental Health Services Accessible and Affordable
Traditionally, in-person care without any digital health medium gave rise to common challenges such as long wait times and appointment conflicts.
Psychplus needed a telemedicine app to make patient care convenient through virtual consultations, appointment scheduling, and billing integrations. They wanted to enable patients to add their medical history on the go, track their medication needs, and request refills from the pharmacy. Furthermore, they wanted a platform that would provide visual content to its users to enhance mental health and well-being.
Our Solution: Transformed a Wellbeing Idea into a Practical Business
Swift Appointment Scheduling
Patients can select their preferred psychiatrist or therapist in their area and schedule appointments directly from their homes. It allows them to choose either virtual consultations or in-person ones.
Secure Online Payments
Users of the app can securely pay online using Stripe. This feature subsides the administrative burden for the healthcare providers.
Subscription-Based Model
It also contains a subscription-based monthly plan that compliments the payment feature and allows users to access ongoing telemedicine services.
User Account Creation
Users can set up their accounts by providing their demographics, name, email, phone number, etc.
HIPAA Compliance
The app has built-in robust consent mechanisms. Patients are requested for their consent for the collection and use of their medical records, thereby ensuring HIPAA standards.