Achelois Pharma Automated lab workflows for scientists and technicians.

About Achelois Pharma
Achelois Pharma is part of the Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing Industry that has been in the medical manufacturing industry for a number of years. The company is known for providing high quality medical manufacturing services and products to healthcare companies and customers all around the globe.
The Problem that Got Them Thinking
The client wanted to increase the usability of their web application for its laboratory in which they create batches for multiple chemicals/drugs and record their reaction to produce medicines. In order to do this as effectively as possible, the client wanted a solution through which the use of the solution could be used by the staff conveniently.
The Value Delivered By Folio3 Digital Health
Folio3 played an important role in developing an IPad application targeting scientists and lab technicians to help in automating the whole process they follow for doing various practical’s in laboratories and pharmacies. The benchmark was an existing web application of the client which we need to replicate in an IOS application with new designs and minor functional changes. Application of such domains are not much available on IPad that’s why we may consider this one of a kind solution.
The Impact
Based on the nature of the solution that the customer was looking for, Folio3 was able to deliver the kind of solution that Achelois Pharma was looking for. This helped them in streamlining the ways in which they handle their medical manufacturing operations along with the ways in which the users of the solution communicate with each other to ensure maintaining efficiency of all pharmaceutical related activities at all times.